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AchieveCoin is a secure, fast, low fees and decentralized cryptocurrency with many innovations.
- Make cryptocurrency decentralized by using Equihash and starting the blockchain from 0. An awesome opportunity for mining when difficulty is low.
- Invent a true public domain Radial Code Standard as alternative to QR Code and Barcode. Products showing Radial Code have much better expression.
- Develop scrip/gift card products to make AchieveCoin and other cryptocurrencies easier to access on existing retail distribution networks.
⨺ AchieveCoin Fairness in trading requires a truly decentralized currency. AchieveCoin, currency symbol ⨺, trading symbol ACH, is an open-source cryptocurrency derived from Bitcoin Gold. Just like Bitcoin, there is no central authority to issue or regulate AchieveCoin. AchieveCoin further the decentralize characteristic by using memory-intensive mining process. AchieveCoin?s blockchain starts from number zero, which makes mining possible again for individuals, just like Bitcoin ten years ago.
Bitcoin codebaseDerived from Bitcoin Gold. With very minimum code changes. We monitor Bitcoin source code and bring in improvements.
Re-decentralizedWhole new blockchain. No single entity has majority control.
ASIC resistant PoWEquihash Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm re-enables GPU mining.
❄ Radial CodeBoth QRCode and Barcode are patented and owned by private entities . Each cryptocurrency address is a long unique string of numbers and letters between 27 and 34 characters. QR Code represents the address in machine-readable manner at point-of-sale systems. A subdivision of Toyota company created QR Code in 1994, who holds number of patents for QR code. A better and fully public domain owned code which supports more data could open new doors for adoption of the currency and other technologies. Analogy: Traditional AM radio signal carries information in the amplitude, FM radio in frequency. What if we encode the information in polarization direction, it could contain multitude amount of data in the same 3D space. Nature has already figured it out. For example, no two snowflakes are alike. Tiny "snowflakes" are more than enough to hold all cryptocurrency addresses in the world.
Belongs public domainOpen source with MIT license. Completely free to use for commercial uses.
Recognizable by human beingsThe structure of Radial Code is familiar and human-readable in some degrees
BeautifulUnlike QR Code or barcode, the Radial Code shapes like natural object. It creates new frontier for product visual expressions.
💳 Doing business with or without smartphone Many places in the world have yet entered the mobile-age. Scrip products, like gift cards, would offer faster, trust, more reliable, at lower cost for many commercial transaction scenarios. will develop scrip products for decentralized cryptocurrency and fiat currencies.
Scrip productsAchieveCoin project does not stop with cryptocurrency or Radial Code. We will create paper and digital products. We will alliance with distribution networks. The goal is let customers access AchieveCoin and other cryptocurrencies without the need for smartphone or internet.