
Topic: [ANN] ADAB - First Islamic Crypto Exchange, based on the Shariah norms - page 42. (Read 87084 times)

jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
quite an interesting project, you have a chance to occupy a worthy niche in this.
in which regions will you start working?
It will be known I think when there will be a beta version, then they will tell us
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
It is a disgusting game to play actually to lie to people just to try to get rich and on top of that to use any religion to do it is so sad and so bad. Adab Haraam exchange scammers headed by the 3 Kazakh "team" are the lowest of the low.
Religion was used to play games for a long time during history. It makes people take irrational decisions. Frankly speaking I don't think here are shariah supporters on this forum, because religion prohibits them to invest in risky products.
I also noticed that there are very few people who profess Islam among people who convert to cryptocurrencies. Although recently began to appear Muslim crypto projects.

Perhaps Muslims are not taken to actively participate in the discussion of projects, if the interlocutors are people of different faiths.
I have been studying cryptocurrency since the beginning of this year and I can say that there are more and more Islamic projects!
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
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only takes 23 hours, 5 pages have been created. isn't this really cool and the project is very popular haha (just reading the notification email and click the link)

most of them are fake (i think) especially with account junior and lower. after you complain about suspicious account (you call it bots) and then they change how to post, now they doing quotes post.

Thank you for your post.

These Russian bounty scammers whitetoo, 520bit, Russian RoyalTeam and their sock-puppet aliases are doing the same thing on other threads they are "bounty managers" for such as this one Victorieum:

They get hold of existing accounts either by buying or promising to buy, then change the email address and take over the account then immediately start posting propaganda with these sock-puppet accounts just to flood the threads have an interest in.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
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Dear BitcoinTalk Community,


Fake bounty managers such as 520bit AND whitetoo and Russian ROYALTEAM scam people by using multiple accounts to flood threads to generate fake buzz and hype to impress gullible people and newbies with the aim to get them to in to participating in the ICOs and projects they pump

hero member
Activity: 995
Merit: 500

And this is it? This ugly pathetic looking piece of trash website is going to take on Binance and Bittrex and the rest just because the scammers lie by calling it Shariah compliant?

Looks like something from freeware software coded 20 years ago.

The Adab Haraam exchange scammers are using to get their stats for their "exchange"

Nothing custom coded here, all available plugin software including their cms platform Roll Eyes
In general, where does such information come from, that they use exactly this? I just still don’t understand why they hold conferences then, if they know what the rules of sharia and punishment are

Wow look at this innovation using 20 year old free cms website..... this is not state of the art this is the state of the scam !

Instead of coding it themselves they get freebie plugins from


only takes 23 hours, 5 pages have been created. isn't this really cool and the project is very popular haha (just reading the notification email and click the link)

most of them are fake (i think) especially with account junior and lower. after you complain about suspicious account (you call it bots) and then they change how to post, now they doing quotes post.

Activity: 322
Merit: 15
quite an interesting project, you have a chance to occupy a worthy niche in this.
in which regions will you start working?
full member
Activity: 574
Merit: 111
Well, I aimed to check news of this project from time to time in order to get updates and watch after progress development.
I am mostly interested in beta release.
im sure that they will show nothing till end of ICO
hero member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 502
They are going to prohibit listing non shariah complient tokens, it is written in WP.
Try to read more about it or read whitetoo answers.
Let's say I would like to participate. They are going to prohibit listings of sharia non-compliant tokens, but will they accept my funds which I highly doubt were earned in a sharia compliant way? Yes or no? They say the crowd sale is open to everyone and they will build all the services with the raised money. How are they going to check the origin of the money they receive from me?
jr. member
Activity: 238
Merit: 1
Guys, what about the bounty program? Can I join the bounty? a link to the topic please.

need to look at the site itself, there should be a link for it already written
jr. member
Activity: 126
Merit: 1
Guys, what about the bounty program? Can I join the bounty? a link to the topic please.

Here is a link to a bounty company:
I want to say that there is quite a generous pool allocated to the bounty. Almost half a million dollars!
jr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 1
Guys, what about the bounty program? Can I join the bounty? a link to the topic please.
Activity: 350
Merit: 10

I also noticed that there are very few people who profess Islam among people who convert to cryptocurrencies. Although recently began to appear Muslim crypto projects.
I do not see in this particular worry, even if Muslims do not support this crypto exchange, other users can support, because the world is big.
full member
Activity: 532
Merit: 100


The Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan Trio Are Not Following Shariah But Preach Shariah Just For Money?

This scammer trio of Kazakhs are using their fake Russian bounty manager sock-puppets and all their aliases to pump this thread


These people have already passed KYC on ICO Bench. What else do you want from them ?
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino


The Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan Trio Are Not Following Shariah But Preach Shariah Just For Money?

This scammer trio of Kazakhs are using their fake Russian bounty manager sock-puppets and all their aliases to pump this thread


Activity: 210
Merit: 10
how will your system work? you plan to release android or iOS application ? Or maybe you will only have a web version?
Do you want a crypto exchange in your smartphone? A separate application is hardly worth the wait. Most likely it will be possible to implement through third-party applications using API.
full member
Activity: 532
Merit: 100
I am 100% sure that bullish market will repeat 2017 year and somebody raise significant money,like 10-50x.
 Every shit coin will be pumped!

Sure, the history always repeats, and I think cryptocurrency have good chances to significant growth. Good news are coming.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino

No these scammers have added revenge feedback because I exposed them for being Russian RoyalTeam, whitetoo, 520but scammer team of sock-pupper fraudsters that by or scam user accounts in order to flood threads to impress the project managers/owners and to fool newbies and gullible people by creating fake buzz and fake hype. Mostly they send incoherent messages to each other just to start new pages in the thread so posts that expose their scam get pushed out in to older pages.
yeah, I see it, they have left it,  but i meant 10-08 feedback added by AlexMilton. Apparently it was first one.  Anyway I don't think you have took money if you say so.

Thank you for your clarification.

Most of the feedback in revenge centering around three scammer groups and their associates.

In the case you mentioned the fool makes clear he and Adab Haraam exchange are one and the same:

In typical fashion here is my reply:

There are around 30+ multiple alias sock-puppet accounts belong to the Russian RoyalTeam, whitetoo, 520bit alliance that flood threads they are bounty managers for. They try to create fake buzz and fake hype but they are pathetic fools as they only post incoherent illogical posts. Other than that they gang up and attack anybody that disagrees with them.
Activity: 154
Merit: 12
One of the good project I ever saw. Have you plan to trade currency pair .Like BTC/USD.
Yes, they plan to add a fiat pair. The first fiat currency will most likely be EURO. This is information from  admins telegrams.
Good decision. If there will be a fiat withdraw, it will attract more users. Now there are many exchanges, and fiat is a good competitive advantage.
I want to see a working version of the exchange. I wonder how easy it will be to use.
I think there will be a lot of tests and improvements to make a great product for people to use.the popularity and turnover of the platform depends on it
Activity: 392
Merit: 11
how will your system work? you plan to release android or iOS application ? Or maybe you will only have a web version?
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino

Yes many site use and there is no problem with that.

These fools gave the impression they will code their website from scratch and make it state of the art. It looks like something a 5 year coded
yeap, mvp looks pretty sad. This interface is not for top exchange

Yes the interface is trashy and cheap !


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