I expected these three options in the ADEL voting to evaluate the project continuity:
1.- Continuity of the project bellow 900BTC with initial plan.
2.- Continuity of the project with WP11 plan.
3.- Not Continuity of the project.
I can see that there are options 2 and 3, only. I think that the fair and transparent would have been to have the three options. With the two options raised is not being met with what was announced at the beginning and are changing the rules of the game once it started. I dont think good that it has been done.
Personally I have recommended to friends to invest in ADEL and I did not expect this...
I do not want the return of my funds, what I wanted was a project that was really transparent and trustworthy. We have missed a great opportunity to prove this...
Best regards,
Your Option 1 does not work from a strategic perspective because there is then a small source of funds to build projects. Stakeholders may get more ADL by voting purely on this option, but in the long run it doesn’t help the community because there is a relatively small repository of seed capital. Option 2 (WP#11 is a win-win on all sides because stakeholders get a bigger return in ADL coin value, while creating a reserve to generate capital for many more projects. To say it another way, the ADL reserve is used to 100% benefit the community - ADLs sold to raise BTC will be seed capital for projects, and go directly into escrow until phase II licenses and legal entities are established.
Adel has proceeded with a community vote (which began today, and will be open for 72 hours), to decide whether members would like to proceed with activating the Adel ecosystem. We are passionate about our vision, and we have great plans for this blockchain incubator. WP#11 presents a compelling plan, and we believe that the ICO contributors believe in a positive future for this vision. We plan to plow forward with Adel, because the 1m Euro seed capital raised establishes the momentum to build the second phase of our ecosystem (see our roadmap in WP#10). In fact the 900 BTC minimum was initially correlated to this 1m Euro seed capital, when we began our ICO on May 1st - we didn’t anticipate that the BTC market value would double in one month!
Here is a link to the WP#11:
https://www.adelphoi.io/content/pdf/wp_11.pdf Here is a link to the WP#11’s video seminar:
https://vimeo.com/219184915/0d3bd307f0 Here is a link to the WP#11’s spreadsheet:
http://bit.ly/AdelSlackWP11xls Even after the ICO, we anticipate a second wave of participants, because the ADL coin listed on the exchanges could significantly increase the value of ADL. Our plan in P#11 gives Adel stakeholders a significant return on their investment if they vote “Yes” to proceeding with the Adel ecosystem. The decision to proceed currently resides with those who contributed over 1 BTC in the ICO. The vote finishes on Wednesday June 7th, 23;59 CEST. Votes will be tallied and published by the end of the week. All contributors over 1 BTC have their voting module activated in orange, in their top right menu of the community portal.
Our adjustments to the original plan was to find a win-win situation for all parties. Even though the coins are reduced in the new plan, the additional bonus of 20% generates a higher ROI for all ICO participants (as we outlined in WP#11's spreadsheet hyperlinked above). A starting value of 6.9m Euro market cap at a 0.069 Euro per ADL was set in the new plan - but the market will decide it's value. It is our expectation that once we are on the exchanges, everyone who was not able to participate in the ICO (or missed the ICO window), will buy into our value proposition.
The way we look at it, everyone wins:
- Participants win because they get a higher return on their ICO contributions, due to a more attractive bonus structure (i.e. up to 40% in ADL coin bonuses by agreeing to the plan in WP#11). Participants who get their contributions in ADL will be able to sell their coins on the exchanges.
- Community wins because the reserve generates seed capital for projects in the short term, and there will be two more ICO rounds to expand the community and incubate more projects in the long term! So this is just the beginning of a great road ahead. Participants from ICO Round 1 will receive a special “Community founding member” status in future initiatives.
- The market wins because ADL will be listed on exchanges after a successful ‘Yes’ vote on WP#11. This will bring new members to the community and contribute to business plans and successful projects. The current plan is to list on CryptoDAO, Stocks.Exchange, Bittrex, C-Cex, and others are planned
- The ecosystem wins because the Adel market cap begins at 6.9m Euros based on our initial fixed rate of .07 Eurs calculated in WP#11 against the balance of the 100m ADL coins released in the future.
- Adel wins because we establish a reserve to raise more funds for more projects (as mentioned above, the funds will stay in escrow till the 2nd phase license is obtained, as with the original plan). This reserve is essentially a post-ICO funding initiative to raise more seed capital, and further serves to strengthen the community’s project portfolio.
So we don't see any downside in the revised plan. Our plan sets the stage for a bright future. We hope everyone agrees and sees this potential.
Gabriel Dusil, co-founder and board member, Adel Ecosystem Ltd.