Can somebody give me a brief summary of what I need to do to set up a pool. I've done it a few times before (for XMR) but I'm not really up on which versions of the code to use for AEON, any patches needed, etc.
Post if you feel it is of general interest, otherwise PM.
Pretty much the same steps to getting a xmr pool working. Use MoneroMoo's fork, he has already added CN-lite.
Trying to remember the steps here, I used Ubuntu 15.04, but should be the same steps as on 14.04...
Assuming everything's installed on the same server, start up the daemon and simplewallet:
aeond --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 9998
simplewallet --wallet-file aeon-pool-wallet.bin --daemon-address
I used non-default rpc port 9998 since I run many pools on the same server ;-)
Then install the pre-reqs and the pool code:
apt-get install git redis-server libboost1.55-all-dev nodejs-dev nodejs-legacy npm cmake libssl-dev
service redis-server start
git clone aeon-pool
cd aeon-pool
git checkout aeon-light
npm rebuild
Then edit ~/aeon-pool/config.json
I disabled payments since it's a private pool...and I made sure the pool fee is 100%
"coin": "AEON",
"symbol": "AEON",
"poolServer": {
"enabled": true,
"clusterForks": "auto",
"poolAddress": "WmthHeYEvTz5kSgsJviaVKEEExkRZZLduB5pfrJ2aWWf3m1dE7PTvdxKVyc9MAuhbCSisqe69uopkKiq2rbxbpzY2zeRRMGAp",
"blockRefreshInterval": 500,
"minerTimeout": 5000,
"ports": [
"port": 5555,
"difficulty": 30000,
"desc": "Mid range hardware"
"port": 4321,
"difficulty": 40000,
"desc": "High end hardware"
"payments": {
"enabled": false,
"interval": 600,
"maxAddresses": 50,
"mixin": 0,
"transferFee": 5000000000,
"minPayment": 100000000000,
"denomination": 100000000000
"api": {
"enabled": true,
"hashrateWindow": 600,
"updateInterval": 5,
"port": 8118,
"blocks": 30,
"payments": 30,
"password": "secret"
"daemon": {
"host": "",
"port": 9998
"wallet": {
"host": "",
"port": 8082
"redis": {
"host": "",
"port": 6379
start the pool with node init.js
Open another terminal and install your favorite web server:
apt-get install nginx
copy the aeon pool web pages to the doc root directory
mkdir /var/www/html/aeon
cp ~/aeon-pool/website-example/* /var/www/html/aeon
edit /var/www/html/aeon/config.js
var api = "";
var coinUnits = 1000000000000;
var poolHost = "";
var irc = "";
var email = "support@localhost";
var cryptonatorWidget = ["AEON-BTC", "AEON-USD"];
var easyminerDownload = "";
var blockchainExplorer = "";
var transactionExplorer = "";
I think there's one more edit to either /var/www/html/aeon/index.html or /var/www/html/aeon/pages/home.html to get the hashrate to report correctly...
EDIT: Here we go, you need to edit /var/www/html/aeon/pages/home.html to get it to show the hashrate properly...change from 60 to 240
update: function(){
$('#networkLastBlockFound').timeago('update', new Date( * 1000).toISOString());
updateText('networkHashrate', getReadableHashRateString( / 240) + '/sec');
Credits to Moneromoo, he helped me out through PM and from his postings.