Agenda is the world's only application to grant regular people a financial reward when accomplishing items on their to-do list. We plan to make this a very crucial tool for developing discipline for the average person by paying them to do what they should be doing normally. Executing this type of application would be no small feat using traditional methods of payments for theirs too many variables to consider such as hiring support staff to verify completion of tasks, payment processing fees for users, or just plain having the means to be able to give users a financial reward. By using Smart Contracts and Blockchain Tokens, we can eliminate all of these issues and disrupt the most haunting thing regular people despise in this world, To-do Lists.
How It Works
Users will write out their tasks and submit to the platform. They will list what the task is, the time they expect it to be done, and how many Agenda Tokens they opt-in. Nearing the time of completion, a voting contract will be initiated and three people will be called upon and they're called Verifiers. Verifiers can only opted-in by sending a certain amount of tokens to a contract and that is for leverage to maintain honesty and not to abuse the system and release/withhold rewards without verifying. Near the end of the allotted time, the user will upload a picture, video, or text for the Verifiers to check that the tasks or goal has been accomplished and release the reward to the user.
What If Users doesn't finish or require more Time?
Users can request an extension for a % of the tokens they used to create the tasks, they can admit defeat therefore forfeiting all their opted tokens, and Verifiers lose a % of tokens whenever they're in the minority of the voting.
How Are Rewards Created?
A portion of the supply will be put into a smart contract that is only to be used for paying out rewards to users, this will be the rewards pool. All the tokens that users & Verifiers lost (as mentioned right above) will be sent to this rewards pool and never to be released from there.
The dApp
This will be built upon the UBQ Blockchain. It has all the requirements we need to perform something like this without all the bloat and drama other dapp platforms have had. We will be doing a 1:1 Token Swap in the future porting the Agenda Token from a Waves Asset into an UBQ Token. The Agenda Team is not collecting fees for using the app.
Token Distribution
Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 Agenda Tokens
Token: Waves Asset
Idetifier: J2GUrpN2SGcyA5UuZsxBbCYs5xQW6BySga3shHAzFWgX
Issuer's Address: 3P87AoZsm6eU4PgB9qcUmFsNfRGKdETyjAM
Dev's Fund:300,000,000
Airdropped Funds: 700,000,000
PM "AgendaToken" with your Waves Address. We will distributing 1 million tokens per person so max user limit is 700 people and this will run for one week's time and end on 31/7/17. If you're interested in obtaining more of this token during the airdrop, the Waves DEX has an order of 700,000,000 at a rate of 2 Satoshis per Agenda. All Tokens unsold and unclaimed will not be burned, these tokens will be users for the rewards pool for when the dapp is live. During the time before the dapp is live, we will be obtaining an escrow for these tokens.
Down the line the token will be swapped to UBQ version of the token at 1:1 rate later in time. All the Waves asset tokens swapped for the UBQ version will be burned.
2017 Early Q3 - Token Distribution & Website Creation
2017 Late Q3 - Whitepaper Release, Development Roadmap Update, Brand Update