Hey there! Please see below:
We anticipate that it will be possible to port the token from one standard to another,
depending on the solution that is most advantageous at the time. Currently this is the
ERC-20 standard, given that it enables easy distribution of the token on the well-trusted
Ethereum platform. Transaction fees payable for leveraging decentralised trust (via
public blockchains) are a key area of focus and solutions like Bitcoin’s ‘Lightning’,
Ethereum’s ‘Plasma’, and sharding are concepts that we are closely monitoring to
decrease the cost of transactions and enable scalable micropayments.
Whatever the outcome, we are committed to maintaining the integrity of the tokens and
to adhere to best practice standards both now and in the future. Vitally, important
technical decisions related to the tokens will be put forward to TaaST holders, who will
have a say in development via voting.