Potential investors can buy Masternodes on PROMO.
Buy 2400 AKN coins, withdraw it to the masternode wallet, keep coins there and don’t spend it till 05.04.2018 08:00 PM GMT+0. The remaining 600 AKN for Masternode launch, Akencash Team will provide from the foundation.
The PROMO is limited to the total of 50 Masternodes. One investor can buy more than one Masternode.
Only first 50 applications will be qualified.
To participate in this PROMO You need to:
1. Buy 2400 AKN at btc-alpha.com exchange
2. Make a screenshot from Your personal trade history, confirming Your 2400 AKN buying
3. Make withdrawal of 2400 AKN or more at once on a new-generated address (an address You’ve never used to receive coins) and DON'T spend or send to other addresses these coins.
4. Provide a proof of Your withdrawal where we can see all the transaction details - transaction txid.
5. Provide the address which You used to withdraw 2400 AKN (mentioned in p.3)
6. Keep the coins till 05.04.2018 08:00 PM GMT+0
Please, provide screenshots and other details to email [email protected]
Check and payment will be made on 06.04.2018.
Hello guys! The "Masternode Chance" campaign keeps running! There are 43 masternodes left! You can find all the terms of the campaign above this post. Thank you for join us, guys!