How do you control all the interactions between one person and the content ?
If you do it by the network, then it will be a privacy nightmare, all your interactions with the content could be monitored !
If not monitored, you can't enforce it's trustfulness and you are susceptible to Sybil attack, or fake behavior.
That's where the
DendroNET comes in, allowing a local consensus to be created. There's no one truth source (a centralized entity), but the part of the network around you can "vouch" for claims made in it.
Thanks for your answers, I'll continue to shoot
If there is no global consensus, how do you validate the distribution of AMPs ?
The fact that I read a post is made public or not ?
The only global consensus with have is for AMPs, which are a conserved quantity. That's what we use the blockchain and the Omnilayer for.
And no, it will not be made public. Generally, there are very few things that people on the network
have to know about you if you interact with them. You have a lot of control over who gets to see what.
That doesn't explain how the network decide who get the Amp for reading content !?
Your node decides based on the view of the network available to it.
If it's my node, then I can corrupt it and make it so that it give me all the Amp that pass by.
Your node decides this only when it's the one investing AMPs in content.
So the node who is investing Amp in content knows who read it ?
No. You decide how much you want to invest (and can optionally select a few parameters and "strategies" if you want to use the advanced settings) and the rest is handled outside of your control.
I'm sorry but this is really shady...
Can you tell who is controlling this.
Please explain the different step from someone paying to have his content amplified to someone recieving the AMP for reading it.
- Where is the information rooted ?
- Where is the decision made ?
Hello! Thanks for your diligence and persistence! We really appreciate people wanting to get to a practical, repeatable and reliable understanding.
Let's identify some characters and terminology for the tech. The characters will correspond to the characters in this video ( We have Dylan the poet, creator of fine poetic content. We have Stan, curator of fine poetic content. We have UnitedFans, connoisseur of fine poetic content. These characters interact with each other through Synereo nodes. (Note that Synereo nodes are not necessarily in 1-1 correspondence with the characters using them.)
The Synereo nodes have two basic functions: one is to provide a content delivery network; the other is to provide access to the AMP ledger in the blockchain. How those functions work is cryptographically secured in two ways. First and foremost they are secured through the use of an *infinitely* large keyspace. Secondly, they are secured by encrypting message flow. It is important to understand that content is not (by default) pinned to a physical location. It is accessed through keys with a rich internal structure. Similarly, all system functions, including access to the blockchain, are accessed via message-based protocols that use keys as channels over which to communicate.
So, when Dylan is posting content to Stan, he is actually publishing content on a cryptographically secure, persisted channel. The persistence is not tied to a physical location, but a property of the network. The same is true when Stan posts the content to UnitedFans. When UnitedFans promotes the content with AMPs, they are accessing the blockchain through a cryptographically secure channel. This completes a series of txn's. One of them is to Stan, and another is to Dylan. These txn's are actually completions of transactions triggered by the transmission of content. The AMPs used to promote the content can be thought of as a kind of payment for the content that may be arbitrarily deferred. When UnitedFans promotes the AMPs they are paying some of the debt accrued by the dissemination of the content. The act of receiving the content is a single, point-to-point trustless transaction. UnitedFans receives content in exchange for a promise that if they ever promote the content, some of the promotion AMPs go to Stan. Behind the scenes, in a cryptographically secure manner, Stan('s node acting on behalf of Stan) has made a similar deal with Dylan('s node acting on behalf of Dylan). Likewise, the act of promoting the content is a single, point-to-point trustless transaction. Clearly, the two transactions are linked in a certain way to make the chain of currency flow back up the chain of value transmission.
Note that if the "debt" is never paid off, it effectively gets converted to Reo, in automatic fashion. Any content that is valuable enough to become widely distributed through the network will cause a corresponding positive adjustment in the Reo scores of the content originators and content curators.
The mechanism by which content is associated with keys in the keyspace is much much stronger -- in principle -- than current use of encryption. One way to think about this is, i'm thinking of a URL, you have a week to guess it. You can use whatever computational resources you or your friends have at your disposal. The likelihood that you will guess my URL is vanishingly small. So, while it is certainly possible that individual Synero nodes can be hacked or corrupted, this doesn't help an attacker much because that doesn't get them access to giant chunks of content which are swimming around a network of nodes. Moreover, none of the nodes has a map of the whole network. Likewise Synereo node binaries are just more content. They can be shared and distributed through a bootstrapped Synereo network. So, reputation scores, i.e. Reo scores, can be associated with specific providers of the binaries, and binaries can be promoted, just like any other content. If you trust your friends to point you to the right open source library for a given application, then maybe you can trust them to point you to a Synereo node that plays nicely with the whole network.
Let me know if this helps. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask and we'll do our best to answer.