Can I reply to a post in Synereo without Amplifiying it ?
ie : I don't like the post, I say it with a comment, but don't want it to grow stronger with my interaction.
Excellent question! Our attention model is designed such that if you dislike something, you have to make a choice whether to simply leave it be and not contribute to that message's proliferation or actively engage and discuss your dislike about it, also drawing more attention to it. It is therefore encouraged to let things go unless you think commenting can improve on the situation somehow.
So the more polemic content will get promoted.
People will make harassing or shocking content on purpose.
And it will be passed to your friend even tho you are trying to combat it...
There should be a way to post a non amplifiying comment !
How could you report or debunk a hoax or fake without propagating it !
There will be reporting mechanisms that operate outside of the logic of the attention model so that harmful content could be dealt with.
There are people on social networks who already post shocking content - or any other content - just so that they can get attention. You don't have to be connected to them.
We're also considering implementing a mechanism that allows people to mark something as fake. If there's a consensus in your local community that something is fake, it'll be marked as so. You could also then filter it out completely if you wish.
How do you control all the interactions between one person and the content ?
If you do it by the network, then it will be a privacy nightmare, all your interactions with the content could be monitored !
If not monitored, you can't enforce it's trustfulness and you are susceptible to Sybil attack, or fake behavior.
That's where the
DendroNET comes in, allowing a local consensus to be created. There's no one truth source (a centralized entity), but the part of the network around you can "vouch" for claims made in it.
Thanks for your answers, I'll continue to shoot
If there is no global consensus, how do you validate the distribution of AMPs ?
The fact that I read a post is made public or not ?
The only global consensus with have is for AMPs, which are a conserved quantity. That's what we use the blockchain and the Omnilayer for.
And no, it will not be made public. Generally, there are very few things that people on the network
have to know about you if you interact with them. You have a lot of control over who gets to see what.