right now the community is not big enough, therefore the value of Aph cannot get big enough to help the cypriots, because 25 Aph per cypriot cannot help due to a low value. do you have any suggestions to push Aph?
What would you guys think about it? We have the idea that anybody here in the forum who will support aph will get some aph from the premine and the residual amount of aph will be donated for something good for Cyprus. That could push the value because you all get some APH even without mining and trying to support as much as you can.
Now its up to you guys, whats your idea about it. We will collect your ideas and at the end the most ideas will be executed.
We could follow our idea or we try something different - what do you think about it?
It is just an idea to make this coin more successful and help this beautiful country. We will not make any decision without asking the community before! Let us know your thoughts...
what ideas?
only get the coin on coinmarketcap, than you must nothing else do, the coin will be big and the thread get over 100 pages in a few hours
because a lot of people dont know the coin and a lot of people know coinmarketcap