My personal statement regarding Dcgirls departure:
I am deeply hurt by some of her words and i wil explain what happened behind the scenes, because i will not be made the bad guy in this situation.
the words "I just don't see the same level of dedication and commitment from our founder" are the most hurtfull thing of all and i will tell you why.
In the beginning of this coin i was supposed to be 50/50 with ziggy and we all know what happened,he left and i had to do everything,that became a bit overwhelming at the time.But then some fantastic people came to my aid, Xwebnetwork,Dcgirl and jakoblight.I was super gratefull for that and they helped me in many many ways.
Over time dcgirl made alot of suggestions regarding the organisational structure,and i allowed all of it, that meant that i no longer made al the decisions on my own but everything was now a team desicion.
I willingly gave up my authority because thats what was wanted by the team.however this lead to alot of frustrations because people can not agree all the time on everything.
This lead to alot of fights and dcgirl was not very reasonable,because you can not suggest to take all authority away from the founder and then complain there is no dedication,after i was turned into a mascotte
but im not here to burn her,just to express my side of the story.
Dcgirls work was fantastic,but behind the scenes many things were wrong.
I also would like to say that she did not even tell me personally she left, i had to read it on this forum and i think thats rude and unprofessional.She often spoke about being professional to the community but i was not given the same courtesy on multiple occaisions.
So again, her work was of outstanding quality,but the rest of it was not very desirable.
If you think the coin is now dead, think again.
I have said this over and over, when we have a budget, everything will be fine. Originally the ipo btc was to have a budget so the coin could grow.But i severly overpaid some people for their services,and others left.
I did what i said i would do and i re invested in asics, which will be shipping in july.At that time i will simply hire a team of devs to make my minecraft plugin,as well as other things.
so let dc girls statement be proven false right here "I just don't see the same level of dedication and commitment from our founder"
Ziggy left UTC,the consultant who was paid 5 btc + 100k utc left UTC, the marketing guy left UTC after being paid 15 btc,now dcgirl is leaving UTC.
who is still here?
so let the world see how dedicated and commited i am.
UTC is your child, do not let him die.