guys i will make it real simple for you :
if you like UTC , stay
if you dont like UTC, leave
spending every day in here while you dont like utc is just plain pathetic, and its the same names over and over again, life is to short to focus on something you dont like!!
If this keeps up im locking this thread for ever, and we can all just move to ultracointalk, so at least i can ban the trolls.i dont have the time or the energy for this pathetic routine in my life,im trying to build greatness here
Greatness? -Muhahaha!
Here's a sample of traditional stalinist methods courtesy bumface, what a joke you are deleting my posts. I will post over and over anyway. So let me quote it again:
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I for once would like to express some reasonable skepticism about Michael/bumface and his reaction regarding dcgirl.
In my opinion you're banking on dcgirl not willing to answer what you've written about her after her last post, and it's likely she will not because the disagreement between them is too strong.
At least this is what comes out out their respective posts.
Knowing this allows you to write whatever you want with the almost 100% certainty she will not challenge it.
Anyway you can still delete her posts like the so many posts you deleted without any reason since the begining of this thread.
I question your fairness and objectivity.
To me everything could boil down to Michael/bumface being a control freak and using people who like to act for the greater good so as to divert their efforts for personal gain.
Michael you have done less than 1% of the amount of work provided by dcgirl, this is pretty obvious. Remember at the begining of the coin when I questioned your constant absenteism? -But I reckon, you know how to speak to people to keep them hoping for the second coming. You should do politics, that's more suitable than a failed by design shitcoin.
In my view you aren't doing anything for this coin except keeping luring more and more sheeple into it, probably in the hope of dumping your holdings when it finally reaches a reasonable level.
You said earlier on that you had only a few kUTC left, which is in stark contrast with the begining of the thread where you showed you were holding 100ks UTC.
BTW, how come that so many people, including the dev (ziggy) left the team? -Where they all wrong and you right, or was there more than what meets the eye?
When ziggy left I should have sold out already, because putting things in perspective makes it painfully clear by now: he had a reason to leave and decided not to disclose it.
Strangely dcgirl does the same, and I'm not talking about the rest. This puts the focus on you and your personality. You apparently make them warry of telling what they saw or what they know about you. I only saw this behavioral patern professionally in companies where mobbing done by psychopaths was the rule. I do not exclude you do the same.
I do not trust you, and I will dump whatever's left of my wallet because this coin is definitely poised to sink once and for all.
UTC will not survive the departure of dcgirl, whether you are willing to admit it or not.
UTC is to become uTC.
I dare to write it here: You are a failure, and a fraud.
Almost like every mod on the trollbox. But did I need to mention it?