This isn't penny stocks, this is a currency we're creating. If you want a get rich quick scheme go to Wall Street. The USD has been around for 100 years, Bitcoin has been around for 6 years, Ultracoin has been around for 4 months. Get a grip, it is going to take time. Time is the biggest factor in all of this. Ultracoin still has untapped potential just like every other coin does. It is going to take time to tap into that potential, and that is what the Dev team is doing, that is what DCgirl is doing, that is what Bumface is doing and all the other devs. If you want to make changes, be the change you wish to see.
Crypto is supposed to be a departure from central banking, that means grassroots activism is the answer. If you have a problem with the devs, look at a mirror first. If you want Ultracoin to succeed, it is a responsibility we all share. I know most people don't like responsibility, but that is the consequence of living in a FREE society with a FREE market. If we don't want the central banks ruling over our currency, then we must create our own. Ultracoin is our own currency, and in my opinion it is one of the best. I don't know what brings you all to crypto, but personal responsibility is one of the central tenants of being free. If you can't stand responsibility, then buy USD or government bonds.
Look at the Ron Paul campaign, completely grassroots, people were dedicated, passionate and willing to work. When things went wrong I don't think people complained to Ron Paul and said, "Ron Paul, why aren't people listening to you? Why aren't the media stations airing your debates? Why aren't they treating you fairly? Why are they changing the rules?" No, they looked in a mirror, and they did something about it. That is what the cryptocurrency movement must do if it wants to survive. Bitcoin is a shining example of that, but there are hundreds of alternative currencies out there that want a piece of the pie? I don't think most of those alt currencies are worthy of attention, but I think Ultracoin is worthy. The fastest cryptocurrency in existence, and all some people can do is complain.
We are standing on the shoulders of giants, but if we want Ultracoin to go mainstream, we cannot only rely on 5 people in the dev team. That is not how grassroots works, that is not how it is supposed to work. There are hundreds of alternative currencies out there, and most of them WILL FAIL, many you may have already invested in have or will fail when the novelty rubs off. If you want Ultracoin to succeed, no-one is going to make that happen faster for you then you can. What skills do you have that can benefit the cause? Are you an artist? A musician? A videographer? A marketer? A salesman? A business owner? A journalist? What can you do in your unique position that can benefit Ultracoin? You must ask yourself this and think about it, we are all powerful enough to make a difference, but we need to act on our skill sets because who else will do it for us?
I can tell the Devteam is sick and tired of seeing people complaining, for sake of argument let's say they are doing all they can. If that's true, than what does that mean for us? Voting is literally the last you can do. It's time we reach out to our friends and family and get them interested in crypto and then Ultracoin. It's time we reach out to the business owners and professionals and talk to them about how they can implement crypto into their lives and how it will make their lives better. We, as a community, need to brand ourselves as not just another cryptocurrency, but a unique, powerful, and mature coin that is different from the rest, but is also useful and practical use in real world applications. I am stunned to see so many people treating Ultracoin like it is a penny stock. If all you look at is dollar value, then you are not seeing Ultracoin for what it really is. Doge coin is worth close to nothing! But it is extremely powerful, why? Because it has a strong grassroots community that stand behind it and support it. I don't know how many of you have ever been involved in business, but there is no easy way to success, the pioneers mark the trail with sweat and blood and the rest follow, some succeed in their footsteps, but the rest have to find their own way. I am ready to help Ultracoin find its own way, and I am here for the long haul. So if you are too, and if you are passionate about Ultracoin just as I am, then I invite you to stand beside me and I will support you as we push forward into the darkness and see what's on the otherside. To me Ultracoin is more than an investment, it is a MOVEMENT. So buckle up because its gonna be an interesting ride.
Couldn't have said it better brother. This isn't one of those cryptos where the dev team has missing, or has deceptive plans, or is unclear about what is going on. The team here has declared this a community coin. Meaning, if you want to make changes, suggestions, etc. do it (professionally, email someone maybe). We are listening and want to recruit as many talents as possible. 5 people + part time = not moon. We need more help and support. We need a mass marketing effort, powered by you, to share our continuous good news. I'll tell you what we don't need, angry individuals who never made a single contribution to this movement, coming on the main place for potential investors, and venting FUDtastically. Talk about backwards thinking... Do you guys normally go on the troll boxes and trash talk the coin you just bought lol? Let's be smart folks. Frustration and despair are signs of weakness and chaos. Neither of which accurately represent the UTC team. Also the Devs that work so hard with no compensation see your complete and utter lack of appreciation/support for what they are, and have been doing for UTC and you. Bashing volunteers doesn't go far when they are working for you, for free. You are not investing in Google or Apple, where people make a salary for bolstering your investment. Now listen to rapture333, this guy obviously knows what he is talking about -and has my respect because he has stepped up and volunteered his talents. Great job rapture333 with all you do for this community.