I have written the two preliminary pages for Ultracoin UTC. I need help from the Ultracoin Community in order fully complete it. I want important points included. Any further suggestions are welcome. Please consider donating towards the future publication of the book. I expect it to be published in the summer.
Donation address: UeCnPrfaUJBRCi6125VpvCQJ3Mn8hvbbs1
It was originally launched as a UTC/BTC and UTC/USD pair on https://crypto-trade.com on Feb 6th or 7th.
OK thank you. I believe you, but is there any confirmation of this date anywhere?
If you really want to get specific, it opened on Freshmarket.co.in on Feb 6th, I believe. It was then promptly hacked within 2 days and 20% of people's coins were lost. It opened up about 2 hours later on crypto-trade -- a day earlier than planned but I think they pushed forward with it due to Freshmarket adding UTC first.