I could create a store - the thing I can't figure out (because I've never done it before) is how you source products. If someone can hook me up with that, I could do a utcstore.com.
Dropship, buy wholesale and resell, take orders, etc. If you'd like to collaborate on an idea I may be open to that.
@Halofire, what in the world are you trying to achieve or what point are you trying to argue? I saw you as an avid utc supporter but now it seems that you've changed course. No problem in that, so what the hell are you trying to do convince everyone else on this forum to see what you see??? Never thought I'd be saying this to a respectable guy like you but as all the naysayers, haters, fudders have been told, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN SELL YOUR COINS AND BOUNCE DUDE!". There's really no point to remain here and cry. "WE" are clearly trying to get this train moving so we don't need folks like you to rain your showers of negativity on those who are making an honest effort behind this coin. Either support everyone, quit crying and do something to help the coin, or just leave peacefully.
It's not that I don't support the coin, and yes i did say i was going to sell my coins, but I want to believe in UTC so friggin bad, the whole reason I don't sell my coin, is that CT put it on their site. If CT believed in the coin, we should too, but with the stunt CT pulled, maybe i have residual feelings and thats's maybe why my trading is off as well. I am tired of watching everyone pump UTC donations into a contest when the community shouldn't have to, or pour energy into newsfeeds and social media that won't yield better results. The results are the same as every coins results. T
he price has sickened me of late, I'm sure it has with everyone. I don't see UTC being above the rest of the coins unless we do something to make the coin UNIQUE. That's what I'm trying to stress. I take action when I have a problem and I get results. Problem is, i can't take action and the problem persists and it frustrates the hell out of me.
It all boils down to:
1: utc was fine before gox and ct crap.
2: everyone has ideas that maintain the coin at present levels, which is good, but won't yield better results and just wastes time, energy, and UTC and further tarnishes coin image. The BTC community views UTC as just another coin, that's what I've been trying to tell you guys. It's reflected in the price, price is public opinion.
3: Dev should have a more solid coin before release in the respect that it needs avenues to be sold for more than just fiat and other crypto like 90% of other coins and not just be traded among us.
4: I feel partial to UTC because I have been around for so long.
5: No one else is really listening to what I have to say, and I know my ideas are solid and will change utc and all crypto forever.
Since I've said my peace: dcgirl has responded in agree-ance about my store idea, and I have been informed about DOGE having a store. i am smart enough to design a store, but i lack the time and patience to learn how to, as I'd be starting from scratch. Sorry. Was not meant to troll or fud, incentive the whole time was to better the coin and bring it up on top again. My 'rants' were always for bettering UTC. I'm telling ya all what it will take, and what UTC is as a coin, atm. Again, my apologies.