@Halofire, what in the world are you trying to achieve or what point are you trying to argue? I saw you as an avid utc supporter but now it seems that you've changed course. No problem in that, so what the hell are you trying to do convince everyone else on this forum to see what you see??? Never thought I'd be saying this to a respectable guy like you but as all the naysayers, haters, fudders have been told, "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN SELL YOUR COINS AND BOUNCE DUDE!". There's really no point to remain here and cry. "WE" are clearly trying to get this train moving so we don't need folks like you to rain your showers of negativity on those who are making an honest effort behind this coin. Either support everyone, quit crying and do something to help the coin, or just leave peacefully.
I disagree, while Halofire's ideas aren't necessarily good (i don't think they are), if the community had listened to *some* of the "naysayers" and "haters" from the start, utc would probably be in a better position right now.
He has the right to speak, if bumface thinks his comments are too negative, he can delete them.