getting HW error all over, even after I managed to use TC 16384..
got a system with win 8.1 32bit 4gb driver 14.1, 8 32bit 4gb driver 13.11, 8.1 64bit 8gb driver 13.12 (gigabyte 280x), 0 success.
Paying 200UTC for the one that will find me a solution for my systems.
32bit systems are gonna be a problem as they cannot even fully use 4gb.
I am not sure why you listed 3 different systems, you have 3 pcs or just tried them one by one(reinstalled)?
If you still have that 64 bit with 8gb just use tc 16384 with intensity 12 and drop by one if it gives you hw. clear any bins you have in cgminer folder and any bins you have in /user folder. Run on stock mhz first.
My rigs are 32bit 4g, but I'm also unable to run it on a 64bit with 8gb.
i 12 , TC 16383, stock. also tried --lookup-gap 3. no luck on both systems (32/64).
its a fresh 8.1 install, downloaded ultracoinminer from , n old bins, using cgwatcher, driver 13.12.
edit: also, after applying setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PRECENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 I even unable to run my old setting TC 8192 i 11 ... also started getting HW errors. omfg..
So the only thing that comes to my mind would be trying from command line(again on clean ultracoinminer download). Move cgwatcher out of the equation. I know its a long shot but it happened to me once.
And just for the sake of testing make it TC = 16384