OK you Guy's, after the hash rate "problem" now it is time to wake up again and look at more serious issues ....
Ultracoin is going down further and that is not what we need to happen.
This upcoming week we all need bigger Exchanges in USA, China, Asia and Europe....otherwise we could lose it all...
At this moment (all day)
http://coinmarketcap.com/ tells the following:
# Name Market Cap Price Total Supply Volume (24h) % Change (24h)
43 UltraCoin $ 768,400 $ 0.19 4,148,939 $ 31,766 -14.25 %
If none BIG EXCHANGES going to trade UTC very soon it will kill Ultracoin.
Look at the little volume last 24h, this is going on for day's already and is a real killer for the coin.
Faith and believe will not help.... then better go to Church...
Also will not help pep talk like
"but this coin is only 3 weeks young, give it time...." Believing is good....action is better and all we need.
Many people here are asking for a 1 week for "any sort of info" from the Devs, off course they must be careful with information if there are negotiations with the big Exchanges.... but we as UTC Miners, Traders and Believers need NOW more info.... otherwise the change is big the price drop further down and people walk away and UTC will die silent.
So please dear Dev's;
>inform us a little bit more (don't keep silent)
>give us a status update overall
>give us a status update about the contact with big and serious exchanges
>tell us something more about how you see on the short term what is going to happen and could be possible
.....I keep faith... but need more info and I guess many more of you all want this ?
I must agree PAulr, situation is getting worse every minute, we need some information NOW!!
before it is to late and the coin is dead, also a big farmer here and swithing my rigs next week en dumping all the coins of nothing happens!!
so its up to bumface to do something or we kill the coin!!!