The coins just need to be in a wallet and the client running and you must use the walletpassphrase passwordhere 99999999 (<---- expiration time before it encrypts wallet) in the console if it is encrypted. But it must be a wallet you control. You will not earn PoS interest on pool or exchange holdings.
Be more spefic pls, what do i need to do ? confused with that "walletpassphrase passwordhere 99999999 (<---- expiration time before it encrypts wallet)"
thank you in advance for your reply!
If you do not have an encrypted wallet, just running the client while holding a balance will mint PoS blocks if you find any.
If you do have an encrypted wallet, each time you open the client, you need to unlock it for minting. To do this go to menu -> help -> click console tab -> type walletpassphrase password 9999999 and you are good to go.
It will take some time before your coins are mature for block minting, though I am not sure how long. Maybe a dev can chime in on that.