
Topic: [ANN] Bela — Powering the Belacam Social Media Economy - page 5. (Read 23128 times)

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!

maybe not just me but also others. if you don't swap, what happens to belacoin coins? I still have belacoin tokens, I hope there is a swap loop.

Hello there,

Bela (The Ambia Fund) screwed the swap. There perhaps were over 1 million belacoins aka Legacy Bela which were not swapped in the way-too-short timeline they gave. Many BELA supporters lost money, because they never got information to be prepared of swapping in given time. Swapping is not anymore possible. It went so wrong, that it feels like a written plot. It just sounds like they planned this to happen. They must have known that not every Belacoin holder gets the information in time.

The founders and operators of BELA are young and inexperienced fellows who didn't consult experts or authorities how to proceed with this swap. They also didn't find out what are their legal responsibilities in the action. Or they knew and took a risk.
It's important to understand that management who doesn't take care of community members can't be trusted to take care of the core product either. There will be more mistakes and no-one can guarantee that there wouldn't be a new swap, and more members money to be lost. Even if the core idea is good, it's wisest to be extra careful with BELA. It already has lost member's money and haven't given any helping hand to those who need it.

Now, the best way to proceed with this topic is to group together and find legal help to start a full scale investigation of BELAs business operations, swap policy and fund handling.

Whoever lost the value of their coins, you are not alone. First we have to find out how many there are and how many coins were not swapped. Then we proceed with facts. Let's keep every new member educated about how things went. We won't forget.

How much time do you need to swap your coins and how would you prefer to be informed about swap?

Not too much time is needed for the swap itself. It's pretty straightforward process to go through. The problem lies in the very term of Cryptocurrency. If we think token as a form of currency or an asset anyway, then it just can't lose it's total value in 2 months time. Unless it happens to do so based on the normal market rules of demand / supply.

There will be always users who has bought said coin from exchanges like Poloniex and then didn't get any kind of information that they have to do changes (swapping) to maintain the value of their investment. This kind of "change your tokens in 2 months time or lose your investment" policy won't stand any kind of financial regulation for a good reason. If it's not already against a law, then it will be in near future. Think about if this would happen any top 5 cryptocurrencies.. You get the picture.

Changes like this must be done in the way that you can always swap your old coins to the new ones. Always means at least 1 year, preferably 5 years. And all forms of communication has to be used to inform about the swap - this means that when you start a co-operation with exchanges, then the agreements includes the responsibility of exchanges to inform the coin owners about swapping and other changes.

Now, BELA had no influence at all. Nothing. Pathetic, really - should take better care of the people who has believed in you.
hero member
Activity: 1358
Merit: 581
do you have apps on phones?
October-November 2018.
The application for android will appear earlier than for the iOS. In October, team plan to test the application, so we will wait for the public launch at the end of the year.
hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
do you have apps on phones?
October-November 2018.
jr. member
Activity: 329
Merit: 1
do you have apps on phones?
hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!

maybe not just me but also others. if you don't swap, what happens to belacoin coins? I still have belacoin tokens, I hope there is a swap loop.

Hello there,

Bela (The Ambia Fund) screwed the swap. There perhaps were over 1 million belacoins aka Legacy Bela which were not swapped in the way-too-short timeline they gave. Many BELA supporters lost money, because they never got information to be prepared of swapping in given time. Swapping is not anymore possible. It went so wrong, that it feels like a written plot. It just sounds like they planned this to happen. They must have known that not every Belacoin holder gets the information in time.

The founders and operators of BELA are young and inexperienced fellows who didn't consult experts or authorities how to proceed with this swap. They also didn't find out what are their legal responsibilities in the action. Or they knew and took a risk.
It's important to understand that management who doesn't take care of community members can't be trusted to take care of the core product either. There will be more mistakes and no-one can guarantee that there wouldn't be a new swap, and more members money to be lost. Even if the core idea is good, it's wisest to be extra careful with BELA. It already has lost member's money and haven't given any helping hand to those who need it.

Now, the best way to proceed with this topic is to group together and find legal help to start a full scale investigation of BELAs business operations, swap policy and fund handling.

Whoever lost the value of their coins, you are not alone. First we have to find out how many there are and how many coins were not swapped. Then we proceed with facts. Let's keep every new member educated about how things went. We won't forget.

How much time do you need to swap your coins and how would you prefer to be informed about swap?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!

maybe not just me but also others. if you don't swap, what happens to belacoin coins? I still have belacoin tokens, I hope there is a swap loop.

Hello there,

Bela (The Ambia Fund) screwed the swap. There perhaps were over 1 million belacoins aka Legacy Bela which were not swapped in the way-too-short timeline they gave. Many BELA supporters lost money, because they never got information to be prepared of swapping in given time. Swapping is not anymore possible. It went so wrong, that it feels like a written plot. It just sounds like they planned this to happen. They must have known that not every Belacoin holder gets the information in time.

The founders and operators of BELA are young and inexperienced fellows who didn't consult experts or authorities how to proceed with this swap. They also didn't find out what are their legal responsibilities in the action. Or they knew and took a risk.
It's important to understand that management who doesn't take care of community members can't be trusted to take care of the core product either. There will be more mistakes and no-one can guarantee that there wouldn't be a new swap, and more members money to be lost. Even if the core idea is good, it's wisest to be extra careful with BELA. It already has lost member's money and haven't given any helping hand to those who need it.

Now, the best way to proceed with this topic is to group together and find legal help to start a full scale investigation of BELAs business operations, swap policy and fund handling.

Whoever lost the value of their coins, you are not alone. First we have to find out how many there are and how many coins were not swapped. Then we proceed with facts. Let's keep every new member educated about how things went. We won't forget.

hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
ANNOUNCEMENT:  will be offline from 12pm - 6pm EST on Thursday, Sept. 13th for major server upgrades and database migration. We appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the new Belacam experience!
Update on the platform did not happen. When can we expect these updates? Maybe you have a roadmap, or write plans for the future, what are you doing now.
We have updated filters.
hero member
Activity: 1358
Merit: 581
ANNOUNCEMENT:  will be offline from 12pm - 6pm EST on Thursday, Sept. 13th for major server upgrades and database migration. We appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the new Belacam experience!
Update on the platform did not happen. When can we expect these updates? Maybe you have a roadmap, or write plans for the future, what are you doing now.
sr. member
Activity: 394
Merit: 252
ANNOUNCEMENT:  will be offline from 12pm - 6pm EST on Thursday, Sept. 13th for major server upgrades and database migration. We appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the new Belacam experience!
jr. member
Activity: 329
Merit: 1
In every nonsense there is a sense, BELA and BELACAM  might not make sense now, but they will surely make sense when the time comes. If you don't have BELA up to 3000 minimum you will not make sense when BELA is making sense. (username wobuse)
sr. member
Activity: 672
Merit: 250
Great product but needs more exchanges!
Perhaps soon will come and time Bella and coin very strongly will rise in price. In this market, because everything happens, nothing is surprised.
Activity: 308
Merit: 10
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!

maybe not just me but also others. if you don't swap, what happens to belacoin coins? I still have belacoin tokens, I hope there is a swap loop.
hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 500
Great product but needs more exchanges!
sr. member
Activity: 394
Merit: 252
We just released the Bela Investing overview at If you have friends that might want to know about Bela (and investing / holding it), send them to that page! It's the one-stop shop for quickly learning about what Bela is, who we are, and how to buy in.
hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!
Buy erc20 BELA while its cheap.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 500
Disappointed that I held BelaCoin for over a year and a half and just found out I lose all of my 5900 belacoin because I did not catch the swap.  What are my options?  Thanks!
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
hy Dev, I heard bela has been swapped to erc20.
For everyone who still holding old bela, will they get new erc20-bela token swap ?
hero member
Activity: 1358
Merit: 581
hy Dev, I heard bela has been swapped to erc20.
For everyone who still holding old bela, will they get new erc20-bela token swap ?
Old Bela is not supported now, the swap ended a long time ago. The team talked about the swap for six months, we had a lot of time to make an exchange of old coins for a new token.
sr. member
Activity: 394
Merit: 252 just passed (Steemit's Instagram competitor) by web traffic. If you hold BELA, you're part of a winning team!

Incredible milestone. Major thanks and congratulations to all of you that use Belacam and made this happen!
hero member
Activity: 768
Merit: 500
42,164 BELA I have, but I have not changed by new ones.
Are you lost the old?
Thank you
Sorry, but swap is closed. You can buy new ERC20 BELA
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