Luckily it doesn't mess the Bifury up permanently... you just have to re-install the firmware and eject specifically from Windows for it to work again.
I had a physical PC, but I have a feeling that a VM should work as well. Failing that, you COULD try compiling mtools on a mac and using the instructions earlier in the thread from cscape, but you have to use this configure line to get it working on the mac:
./configure LIBS=-liconv
Probably just easier to use a Windows VM or find someone's PC and borrow it for a few seconds.
That said... I finally got it working with Minepeon on the Raspberry Pi with much gnashing of teeth and pulling hair. I won't go over all the other failed steps I had trying different versions of BFGMiner and CGMiner... which both had various errors including the (incorrect device?) listed earlier in the thread, but I did get it eventually.
So here are the successful steps I took to get it working:
1. Get the latest image of Minepeon (or update via git pull in the /opt/minepeon directory to get the latest).
pacman -Syu to get the latest OS updates
3. Check the WebUI and make sure CGMiner is your currently selected Miner software (BFGMiner has been the default lately on Minepeon)
4. Edit file
/etc/udev/rules.d/01-miner.rules with sudo privileges and add the following lines:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="198c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="b1f1", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", MODE="0666", GROUP="minepeon"
5. sync (just in case) and reboot the Pi
6. SSH back in and
screen -r so you can see the running CGMiner
7. Once the Pi is back up and running, unplug the Bifury USB and re-plug it in and it will be autodetected. At that point you should be hashing away.
8. When all looks good, detach the screen (
ctrl-a then d) and then you're all set!
Hope that helps any of you guys out there trying to get this running on a RaspPi.