Will do what I can to help build a case by providing the detailed zip file of my transaction history, spring is here and I'm scrambling to cover a winters worth of losses, not the least of which is a new 220' well pump.
To the person reading this, that operated as 'support@bit-mining' for more than the last month of operation, it would be helpful to you, as well as us, if you stepped forward, running from this for the rest of your life because of involvement w/bit-mining need not be the case, seemed to me that you honestly wanted to help us, but couldn't get the cooperation of the owner. I'm not sure there ever was a third person involved, other opinions?
Yea I'm also wondering what happened to that "@SUPPORT" guy.. he indeed seemed quite reasonable and fed up with bit-mining.co as well, as he indicated he was all alone handl'ing those requests for help and it was becomming a serious stressfactor in his life. He always referred to "TECH" and "ADMIN", they were the guy(s?) actually running the show, he was the poor guy that had to respond to all our yelling when we were missing payouts,etc...
so @SUPPORT (god I've typed that alot in the dying days of bit-mining.co) if you are there, and reading this thread, Please speak up and help us one last time!