[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: ------------------------------------------
[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: Starting BitBot v0.9.2
[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: Real Trading Enabled = false
[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: Working Dir = C:\BTC\BitBot\trunk
[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: ------------------------------------------
[30-10-2014 21:27:58] - INFO: Downloader started!
[30-10-2014 21:29:03] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:29:03] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:29:30] - INFO: Created a new 5 minute candlestick!
[30-10-2014 21:29:30] - INFO: {"period":1414675500,"open":330.733,"high":331.334
[30-10-2014 21:29:30] - INFO: Advice: hold (null)
[30-10-2014 21:30:33] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:30:33] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:30:53] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:30:53] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:31:33] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:31:33] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:32:33] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:32:33] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:32:43] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:32:43] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:33:04] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:33:04] - ERROR: Error: ETIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:33:32] - ERROR: getTrades Exchange API returned the following err
[30-10-2014 21:33:32] - ERROR: Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
[30-10-2014 21:35:07] - INFO: Created a new 5 minute candlestick!
[30-10-2014 21:35:07] - INFO: {"period":1414675800,"open":331,"high":331.999,"lo
[30-10-2014 21:35:07] - INFO: Advice: hold (null)
i get this error...it seems the API took long time or not connected to btce..
config.exchangeSettings = {
exchange: 'btce',
// Options: (bitstamp, kraken, btce)
currencyPair: {pair: 'btc_usd', asset: 'BTC', currency: 'USD'},
// For Bitstamp just use {pair: 'XBTUSD', asset: 'XBT', currency: 'USD'}
// For Kraken look up the currency pairs in their API:
https://api.kraken.com/0/public/AssetPairs // Kraken Example: {pair: 'XXBTZEUR', asset: 'XXBT', currency: 'ZEUR'}
// For BTC-E look up the currency pairs in their API:
https://btc-e.com/api/3/info // BTC-E Example: {pair: 'BTC_USD', asset: 'BTC', currency: 'USD'}
tradingReserveAsset: 0,
// Enter an amount of "asset" you would like to freeze (not trade)
tradingReserveCurrency: 0,
// Enter an amount of "currency" you would like to freeze (not trade)
slippagePercentage: 0.1