The ATM transaction fees are projected to be 3.5% to buy and 4.5% to sell, with 1% out of this being given to investors. (So the company would get 2.5% for buys and 3.5% for sales). If an ATM makes $100,000 in a month, the investors would get $1000 and we would get ~$3000. Average monthly costs can range from $500 to $1500 per machine, depending on location (rent, cash collection/distribution, maintenance, insurance, staff, etc). The ICO budget allows for purchase of machines plus covering the initial/on-going costs until each machine has made enough revenue to be turning a profit each month (estimating this would take 6-12 months max).
The cheapest 2-way Genesis model is $8900 to purchase, and we figured the average startup costs to be an additional $2000 to $5000 per machine, depending on location. Different states and jurisdictions vary widely in their fees for licensing, compliance policies, required insurance bond amounts, etc. Some areas have regional services for cash management and machine maintenance/repair, such as armored car companies like Brinks doing the cash collection from various bank's fiat ATM machines in a particular area, or Diebold having repair technicians that service ATMs for various banks in an area. If these services are not available, we would have to commission employees for those areas, again affecting average costs.
To be conservative and say the startup cost for a machine is $14,000 - and a machine only made $75,000 monthly revenue (split between buys and sells - current 2way machine averages show that less customers sell, but the sale transactions are larger, so it comes out about even). With these figures each machine would produce $750 for investors and $2250 for us. Say out of that we only made $750 profit after monthly costs - then we are making about the same as investors, which is fair. Our soft cap is $1million, and if we made this all at the pre-ico rate ($0.75 a token) that would be ~1.3 million tokens. At this cap, if 85% went towards machine purchase and initial costs (as stated in our current budget) - we could initially purchase 61 machines. The remaining 15% funding is for hiring initial employees (need to build a large team for nationwide operation - programming and other initial design, customer service department, delivery and maintenance staff, etc), as well as pay for any needed on-going ATM operating costs until the machines are turning a profit on their own.
These machines could all be installed in the first month and begin operating (there is no wait time because yes we are going to add additional currency support and integrate the debit card platform, but the machines could begin operating as-is and we update them later - allowing investors to receive a return at the first quarter after the ICO ends). The Genesis models already support buy/sell of Bitcoin, Lite Coin, and Dogecoin.
61 machines at the above stated conservative rates would net $549,000 yearly, and $549,000 for us. At this rate, and if we didn't expand, it would take less than 2 years for investors to be paid back. However, without having to worry about recovering any costs before expanding, after the first month of operation we could begin buying additional machines, with close to zero wait time because all the programming and design work would be done - only work needed would be akin to installing a software update and applying a decal/painting for the cover art on the machine casing.
As we do expand, total on-going expenses would rise (because there are more machines), but since most costs are shared among machines, the per machine average expense would go down - and the profit ratio would go up. Initial expenses would go down too, once licenses and insurance bonds etc. are already paid, for machines in a particular state.
Using these figures, after the first month we could purchase 3 machines, and adding these new machines' profits in (say we release new machines once a month) by the end of the first year we would be able to add 6 machines a month. Because of the ICO funding we can put all profits towards expansion, which is great! Calculating monthly expansion in - investors would see a $745,000 return by the end of the first year. So in a little over a year their investment would be returned. If you figure future gains in with continual expansion, the numbers become tremendous. If 1,000 machines were in operation, it would be $9 million a year (still using these conservative figures). We will add more of this information to the website (with graphs and charts) so it's easier for investors to understand. But you're investing in crypto (so CryptoCoins will have a value themselves that is going up over time) and getting paid a return in crypto (which has value that will go up if you hang on to it) - so all you have to do is buy some CryptoCoins now, and hang on to them and you'll be getting paid in Bitcoin, Ether, and the other currencies offered at the machines and on the debit card. And the returns from CryptoCoins go on forever, even if the market value crashes, CryptoCoins will still be making money - people will still be using the Bitcoin ATMs even if it's to sell off all their coins because of a crash! This really truly is a profitable idea for both investors and the company (one of the best ICO investment opportunities out there today). If anyone else has any questions please let us know!