Bitcoin Cash Mining Profitability increases and Miners jump to Bitcoin Cash which slows segwitcoin (making an already slow coin even worse)
Currently 82282 Unconfirmed Transactions :
(And when too many miners drop segwitcoin, causes a Death Spiral killing Segwitcoin.)
*Once LN is activated, this will decrease Onchain Transactions per segwitcoin, decreasing the Miners Onchain Profitability even more.*
Bitcoin Cash Mining Profitability Decreases and Miners jump to Segwitcoin which means the difficultly level for Bitcoin Cash will drop and be more profitable the next cycle.
Plus what many fail to understand is that Unknown seems to be fully supporting Bitcoin Cash, all unknown has to do is mine segwitcoin and convert to Bitcoin Cash,
which will cause segwitcoin price to drop while increasing Bitcoin Cash.
Either way Bitcoin Cash ends up the winner and segwitcoin the loser, only real question is : how many cycles before segwitcoin is dead or just less profitable to mine forever.