Well, we wouldn't be in this situation if ABC would stop trying to add uneeded changes to the protocol every 6 months. SV=p2p electronic cash that scales on chain, ABC=WHC/PLASMA, PoS, and shitcoins. Oh and if you think btc will scale globablly, im afraid not my friend. Lightning network as a severe routing problem, GL with it in a few years
You act as though the direction of BTC is set in stone and incapable of making adjustments if it becomes obvious that the current direction is going the wrong way. Also, I think it hilarious that the powers that be for BCH think a hash war is necessary, when Bitcoin already implemented more civil consensus mechanisms years ago. Well, the good news is that if the powers that be end up bankrupting each other in this pissing contest, at least a new leadership could possibly step in with cooler heads.