Your lack of awareness of your irony is breath-taking/mind-numbing.
First you were calling BTC "Core," now you're calling BCH "ABC." When Wright forks the code again from Ayres, what will you call SV?
Hey buddy, read the white paper.
I assume you mean the Bitcoin white paper, by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Total number of references to "Bitcoin Cash": 0.
But what does the white paper have to do with price of petrol in Paris?
You can translate it to fit your cause any way you see fit, as would a schizophrenic monk translate the Old Testament. Still doesn't mean you have a point, or are even sane.
I don't believe a second, compatible implementation of Bitcoin will ever be a good idea. So much of the design depends on all nodes getting exactly identical results in lockstep that a second implementation would be a menace to the network.
Clearly you haven't read it enough to understand it then, bitcoin is an economic system not just a cryptocurrency. If BCH fully adheres to the white paper then it is bitcoin, if BTC butchers the white paper then it is not bitcoin, is that too hard for you to understand?
i just dont get it with these dumbass jackasses here the original code of bitcoin is bchsv why do you think craig is doingeverything in his power to protect it and spend millions everyday on hash war with bchabc? Its true most dont agree with him becasue they dont care about the original bitcoin people care more about making usd than in the technology of bitcoin whatever changes they make or fork as long as bitcoin name is on an alt chain they dont care