We're perfectly well aware of the location being in the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary, and that's discussed in the FAQ, along with the NOAA buoys, pictured on the map. I've added the link to the prohibitions, which if you read carefully, don't apply to us, since they're concerned with exploiting oil and gas resources, not harming marine mammals, not removing historical resources, several discharges "other than from a cruise ship". The only prohibition that applies to Blueseed is this:
Which is great, and easy to comply with.
I hope compliance is as easy as you foresee. The degree of restrictions you may encounter might surprise you.
For example, if you intend to moor your vessel (seems like it would be cheaper than constantly running propulsors to maintain position), you may encounter a requirement for "ecologically friendly" anchors. This can be challenging since the folks making up the requirements are not necessarily the best judges of what is "ecologically friendly". One proposal I am aware of suggested the anchors be made from granite instead of the more common iron.
A parachute type sea anchor?
I am concerned about your "30 minute ferry" from Half Moon Bay. That requires a ferry that travels an average of 24 knots. Add in delays for clearing Half Mood Bay harbor and you are looking at a vessel that can transit some pretty rough water at 25+ knots. Last time I was in Half Moon Bay it did not seem like a good place for a vessel that large.
Really? We're not talking about a car ferry, so it's really a water taxi that can seat roughly 30 people and their carry-on gear. A vessel that large and faster than that is old hat. Most large cities wrapped around a bay have one or more of these in their harbor already.