Platform UpdateI just wanted to give you some more information about the projects I am work on that together provide a future powerful platform for creating new wealth, this is critically important as we move away from an oil based economy (which will lose 40% of its value in the next 5 years) and move towards a stable sustainable economy featuring blockchain assets and blockchain currencies.
Bitcoin21 is the latest addition to the portfolio, but it also stands as a possible mechanism to crowdfund and support various other items which aim to;
- reduce or cure global poverty
- establish a new source of wealth outwith centralised governments
- encourage people to contribute positively to society
- reduce the need for conflict, job displacement or anti-competitive practises
Whilst we are progressively displacing the banking and finance industry, at the moment no one has provided an answer to;
- replacing high street banking to enable the economy to continue
- replacing the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be displaced by personal sovereignty
These are our responsibilities by advocating new innovative technologies, and being unselfish in looking to ensure the continuation of employment and staff with the blockchain in place.
You can find out more at each of the websites.
The Blockchain Party is a startup from 2015, currently by myself, to advocate a not for profit economy funded by two things;
Virtual Gold - / - established on the blockchain in March 2014.
Currency of Light - / - established in 2015 as a new source of abundant wealth and energy.
I have also established;
Aerarium Universitas as an independent universal treasury to distribute and ledger value against commodities locked in planets and stars. / Digital Currency World as a platform for bringing all these innovations together and generally promoting long term crypto projects that benefit everyone. / to celebrate 7 years of the blockchain which will revolutionise global finance and public ledgering, I will be launching Bitcoin21 next month to usher in an era of new long term coins with a stable long term value. It is worth remembering that the first search engine on the internet was in 1992 6 years before Google was launched and became the number one search engine in the world. As yet Bitcoin has not had a coin which has surpassed its potential however Bitcoin21 is the same as Bitcoin with shorter block time, and a small proof of stake which will prevent quick profits, pump and dumps, and enable much more development.
I would appreciate further support, any donations are welcome, remember this is a completely Not For Profit endeavour as part of a greater innovation to decentralise government in favour of people consensus all over the world, these are very important steps and innovations in a completely different new wealth sector.
Thanks again for your time and support.