Still not having luck. It seems to start with
05-08 05:10:26.493: I/dalvikvm(1464): Failed resolving Lcom/miracleas/bitcoin_spinner/SendBitcoinsActivity; interface 119 'Lcom/bccapi/ng/async/AbstractCallbackHandler;'
05-08 05:10:26.493: W/dalvikvm(1464): Link of class 'Lcom/miracleas/bitcoin_spinner/SendBitcoinsActivity;' failed
05-08 05:10:26.493: E/dalvikvm(1464): Could not find class 'com.miracleas.bitcoin_spinner.SendBitcoinsActivity', referenced from method com.miracleas.bitcoin_spinner.Main.onCreate
05-08 05:10:26.493: W/dalvikvm(1464): VFY: unable to resolve const-class 416 (Lcom/miracleas/bitcoin_spinner/SendBitcoinsActivity;) in Lcom/miracleas/bitcoin_spinner/Main;
05-08 05:10:26.493: D/dalvikvm(1464): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1c at 0x0036
05-08 05:10:26.503: W/dalvikvm(1464): VFY: unable to resolve static field 9 (productionNetwork) in Lcom/bccapi/bitlib/model/NetworkParameters;
05-08 05:10:26.503: D/dalvikvm(1464): VFY: replacing opcode 0x62 at 0x005f
05-08 05:10:26.523: D/AndroidRuntime(1464): Shutting down VM
05-08 05:10:26.523: W/dalvikvm(1464): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a71930)
Search turned up a few suggestions but none of them helped. I'm sure it's something simple though. A little help?
I use MOTODEV Studio with Android 2.1 SDK installed
I have checked out the code in .../source and have .../source/BitcoinSpinner, .../source/bccapi, .../source/bitlib
1) Create new workspace
2) File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into workspace -> Select root directory: .../source -> Finish (three projects selected)
3) In package explorer find: BitcoinSpinner -> src -> miracleas.bitcoin_spinner -> -> Right click -> Run As -> Android Application
You probably want to run it on a real device instead of an emulator, as it is faster and lets you use the camera for scanning barcodes.