@OP: I have never used BitFloor before but I keep seeing Bruce Wagner trying to spam your service everywhere and I wonder-- what is your relation to him? Are you aware that businesses that associate themselves with Bruce Wagner typically -lose- potential customers, not gain them?
FYI He's mostly spamming his own private phone number as a bitcoin exchange now.
I don't think this message is relevant for this thread but I will answer it since it appears here.
We have no official relation to Bruce, he uses our exchange to buy and sell bitcoins like every other user. He has been a well established user of our exchange for some time and has shown himself to be trustworthy in his dealings with us and as such posts about his positive experience. From what I know, Bruce wants to see more dependable and solid exchanges and promotes various ones he has found to be reliable.
I have not found it to be the case that we are losing customers nor would I post on these forums as a company commenting on such matters. Bruce operates his own businesses and website to help users buy Bitcoins. These are not related to us and it is not our place to talk about them.
Our goals our to provide reliable USD Bitcoin exchange for our users and to that end, we have some loyal clients who promote us as a viable alternative to other larger exchanges.