You are making strange conclusions here. We did not have much chips in august to begin with. Those that we had were pretty much split 50%-50% between me and Dave.
No chip on both shop. As I predict 3 day ago, no chip for miners. Big greedy companies take all
In effect rising difficulty kill small project still waiting for chip supply. I hope Bitfury did not go Avalon path.
Saying about difficulty to make business with some nations I based on my personal experience rather some racial or cultural stereotypes.
I have many friends on Russian and Ukraine, Chinese to. This has nothing to do with the analysis of business risk.
Unfortunately, I have very bad experience with doing business with the Russians. I lost not only money but also reputation in recommending cooperation with those whom I have given confidence.
Looking at what is currently doing Bitsyncom, I wonder that the transfer of interests with them to the Russians will not be fall out of the frying pan into the fire.
Gandalf - no nation is perfect. I've had good and bad relations with people from all over the world. Anything else would be just a personal and a biased opinion, and that doesn't help anyone, so let's forget about that.
As the English say - There are no eternal friends or eternal enemies,.. only eternal interests.
As for chips and availability - I'll repost here something that I posted on another forum:
Also - according to google translate this:
Кcтaти, дoля bitfury-чипoв в ceти дoвoльнo мaлeнькaя и пocлeднee yвeличeниe cлoжнocти этo чьи-тo чyжиe мoщнocти.
У Лeшeкa пpoблeмы c плaтaми, a кaк виднo пo y Bitfury тoжe пoкa вcё нe cкopo дeлaeтcя (xoтя и быcтpee ocтaльныx).
Aмepикaнцы и eвpoпeйцы пoлyчaт чипы тoлькo co cлeдyющeгo бaтчa.
Mы ceгoдня зaпycтили плaты в cepию, к кoнцy aвгycтa плaниpyeм oтгpyжaть в пopядкe oчepeди.
supposedly says that chips for EU and US will be available only from the next batch (...)
So, if that's true I'd like to hear from punin or Dave or anyone else in-the-know where things stand. I'm looking for a reasonable expectation. If the sad facts are that there won't be any chips before December - so be it, that's the facts. I'd rather know the ugly truth than have false hopes.