In my opinion, these rules should all be taken care of by the wallet code.
Same with the legacy addresses, if they are not supported, Best to take them out,
And definitely don't allow mining with these address.
Thanks for reasonable advice. Yes, the code for older addresses will be removed
altogether. The mining pools are many and different, so for that, a documentation is
important, we will sort this out.
Regarding burning, this is done during block validation by the node. Wallet knows about tx fees,
but may know nothing about burn, so this is 'inside' the nodes area of responsibility (as there
also many wallet software and custom logic for different coins is neither implemented nor
maintained in the wallet software itself).
Hi! Thanks for the installing!
We (community) will remove the message from the wallet of course, and add the branding
in the next build. Stay tuned!
Then i get HTTP request failed: Protocol "stratum+tcp" not supported or disabled in libcurl.
The miner BGLGPUminer-win-cuda-src is for solo mining without pool, and is based on
older code of CPUminer, it's more for tinkering around and research (it's more minimalistic
than current popular miners).
For pool mining (PPS, etc.) just use popular mining software, like CCMiner, it's SHA3-Keccak
algo is fully BGL-compatible.
[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]