Can somebody post the upcoming developments/ releases/ events/ etc. for BLK here in this thread ?
Just to remind us all how much alive BLK still is !
I went on vaccation for a week but I made good progress with the first POS wallet which uses an OS that is made by
some kind of fruit company..Finished release will add even more, you should be able to use BLK with the most used application platform (something like LISK has, but better)
The newest think on reddit is below, good marketing too.. of you may have seen the press releases and articles about the VCAP crowdsale helping to create a crypto-based film production company, on Coindesk and elsewhere such as You can also check out our project website, for more information about us, the movie, and what we are doing with VCAP tokens.
We’re thinking it could be a great idea to reach beyond the Ethereum/Bitcoin space and incorporate a single, classic and well-established popular altcoin. This was not our original game-plan, but were convinced it should be by our technical developers, Obsidian CryptoVault Technologies, a company working in the Blackcoin space as well as Ethereum.
We believe that with Blackcoin there could be some fun cross-promotional opportunities within the film itself. Since the film is about some very naughty girls selling space in a box, it would be perfectly natural and a great wink to the crypto community if customers in the film were to inquire, "Do you accept Blackcoin?" (Of course we do, do we look like your grandmother?)
What do you guys think? Can you give us feedback on this short poll so we can gauge your interest? For convenience, please choose one of the following three responses, and feel free to comment further with your thoughts and ideas:
I would be interested in using blackcoin to purchase VCAPs
I'm not interested in buying VCAPs myself, but like the idea of Blackcoin being added as a currency option in the crowdsale, and getting brand-placement in the film.
I don't think Blackcoin should be involved in this. Go away.
EDIT: We have already created a multisig wallet for Blackcoin, and will add BlackCoin as the “featured altcoin,” enabling you to buy VCAP tokens with BLK if the questionnaire indicates an overall positive response from the community. We’ll publicize the address and BlackCoin support on our website and mention it in any future press releases.