Price is dropping, any idea why?
- You make a system, where you have to put double amount of money, to pay for something,
while risking to loose it all, in the sake of safety : but everyone is in awe (Halo)
- You make a system, for which you need to pay $ 20k to make payments with cryptos, when the
present already uses NFC : but everyone is in awe (coinkite)
- You make a coffee machine, not.... everyone is in awe
- You make a shitty 'parody' song : every one is in awe, because they won't admit that it sucks
However, when You criticise them, none of the 3 or 4 developers will never open their mouth to try to defend their position.
Instead of that, they will send you their best buttbulls / bouncers and give this coin an aggressive image, while calling you a troll.
You need to BRING value to something, in order to increase its price... But there are only 4 mere people contributing
concretely to that.
What did you expect...
Have you seen new people joining and contributing recently ??
As the value lessens... more and more people tend to leave... only the blinds stay (and the trolls too, lol)
I am working very hard on a internationally accessibility program for medicinal/recreational cannabis. I can already supply at internationally competitive rates, I am just working on my (excessively encrypted and layered, partially on .onion sites even) man in the middle escrow service. I am going to provide 100% anonymity for all the clients and producers through the use of tor protocol and certain functions of facebook may even allow me to make an advanced system where clients could over time reveal more private information about themselves to build trust and 3rd part escrow outside of my services.
$3.50 USD - $6 USD per gram is easily accessible right now. Those prices likely can go down by 30-40 percent within a few months of operation as well... The base cost of production for the average strain (that doesn't require special growing situations) is approximately 2.35 USD per gram and that is easy to produce.
When I launch the domain this will be one of the first places to know.
If you have anything to contribute there is going to be a crowd sourced BTC, BLK and DASH fund for growers to have better access to growing supplies in the currently restricted international markets... Things like Bat Guano (there is 2 types that are very useful for cannabis, 1 for growth and one for flowering), also access to outdoor growing environments, that produce high quality, could be grounds for some drastic production cost reductions.
Genetics is going to be the next focus after the exchange is up and running, basically an online seed bank that may even span outside of cannabis seeds.