in general for me personally i don't know what to think about it
i like gaw miners but their stuff starts to be to beautiful to be true for me it look like financial pyramid
one day when money river will be dry party will start
PS: i see how coins like BC,Doge,NEM,NXT are trying improve currency - paycoin looks to good to be true
for me same goes to companies it takes years to get 50m$ + capitalization.
A promise to customers that a 4$ coin becomes a 20$ coin (out of thin air) is Ponzi behaviour par excellence.
We have a little GAW summary at reddit:
In case anyone still has GAW Miners cloudhashing, I'd strongly suggest you consider trading/selling whatever you can for BTC
Paycoin, the christmas scam . We already had "santa claus" scam, "beginning of winter" scam, and "the wheather is so nice, i need some pocket money; let's scam some naive investors" scam . No thanks.