I don't know why everybody thinks things have to be an either/or proposition, personally, I have donated to both Iconic's plan and the BlackCoin Foundation fund. I wish I could foresee the future, but the best analogy I can use is throwing mud on the wall, when you throw mud on a wall, some of it will stick and some of it won't. I don't know if either of these plans will work, but I'm willing to give to both because I want BlackCoin to succeed and it's not a BlackCoin Foundation vs. Iconic thing, it's about BlackCoin and I hope both plans are hugely successful, because BlackCoin will win and if BlackCoin wins, we win.
yes this x10000
why can't we all coexist independently while working toward the same vision: blackcoins longterm growth and sustained value
enough of this bipartisan bullshit. there is not OR we can do EVERYTHING. these efforts aren't mutually exclusive and aren't going to take attention or focus away from blackcoin or its goal, in fact, they both support the goal greatly.
enough with the ego clashes please guys. lets engage in competitive cooperation instead of pure competition spurned by ego and popularity.
if there is anything I've learned in my 7 years as a professional poker player is that there is no 1 right way to play a poker hand, the more creative you get and more risks you take, the more you are going to succeed and be rewarded.
ICONICEXPERT: I love you're enthusiasm and guerilla marketing tactics: they have done wonders for this coin and community. you don't need the official support of the self appointed foundation, please keep up the creative great work.
COMMUNITY: we can all coexist and run these promos and marketing efforts concurrently, we don't need to create drama and tension. please find a more constructive way to engage in conversation and criticisms because the way we are currently operating is self destructive.
thanks for reading.