Media Blitz Thursday
The sky is falling! We are doomed! The end is near! Everyone Panic! Is that what you want to "hear"? Do you want me to lie to you, or do you want me to always be upfront and honest? If you want me to lie, then I am not the man to help promote BC. If you want me to tell you the truth, then the truth is BlackCoin is not dead and as I have said numerous times this just the beginning. If you want to direct your anger towards me because you bought in above 20000k and now you are angry because there was a sell off, then by all means direct your anger towards me if it makes you feel better. I am on the front lines with the devs and others to help make BlackCoin a household name. I do not get "paid" to be here, nor did I mine millions of coins in the beginning. Some of my coins I mined briefly, but the majority of my coins I purchased like the rest of you. The Devs and I are not magicians and we do not control the price of BC . As I said in a post this morning there will always be sell offs at certain levels, not everyone is in it for the long run.
So lets stop focusing on the past and lets resume what we started a week ago. Many have donated to begin our second media blitz and tomorrow morning we will plaster BlackCoin everywhere we can! Two separate press releases are being written by two different writers so the best one can be selected. I have about a dozen bloggers ready to start plastering BC links all over the net starting tomorrow morning. The devs are hard at work getting BlackCoin accepted everywhere they can, and orders for the BlackCoin card are still coming in. We are planning a huge media event at the end of May, and by June no one will ever question the legitimacy of BlackCoin again!!!
So if the roller coaster ride is too much for you to handle, and you are scared to hold, then by all means sell off now and buy some MINT. But for the rest of you who have been holding from below 10,000 sat and believe in the people behind BlackCoin, then just ignore the noise. It is the same noise from several weeks ago. Last week if I told you we would be trading above 10,000 sat you would have been overjoyed.
Everything I said I would do I have done. I made a promise I will not sell any of my BC until we are #1 and I meant that!!! We are headed to #1 PERIOD!!!
Do you thing bro. I am a grown man and I never invest more than I can afford to lose. I was buying BTC when it was a "bubble" that was going to die soon and my friends laughed. I traded so much BTC to LTC when LTC was between $1.60 to $2 and everyone thought I was insane. Blackcoin is a winner but everyone loses patients so fast and forgets how young this coin is. I have been in this game for awhile and I have faith this coin will be at worst the #3 coin in the world.
Crypto time is like dog years times 10 or something. lol.