Show a fellow merchant some love for accepting BC. i have 35 BC alltogether. Anyone feel free to help a little guy BJ1C2xWrRHCcZu51hCd78MYen3qScdVZxh
What is your store/service?
I run a local PC and Cell Phone repair shop. Here is an article about my place. its a bit dated as i have changed location. Hoping to open up a second store next year. Accepting crypto just makes sense for me. Always innovative right? The nasty comment on my article was from my competitor. He later got arrested for defrauding clients. LOL
Something not from 4 years ago?
As expressed before its an old article, I don't have to prove anything. A simple google query will resolve concerns if my business is still out there. I was merely posting for a little love for supporting this coin even though I have none. My Web Site is down as for this small town it was a waste. I have my google search page and that's all that's needed for an online presence. My customers are mostly older, they use the phone book/word of mouth. I apologize for posting anything I will withdraw my plea.
LOL, no problems, but I would really suggest (based on that article) and the fact that you're in Prescott - which although nice, it definitely not a market to experience 'explosive growth' in - that you expand your web presence.
Considering the fact that your holdings represent a rounding error on my donation wallet... I shot you a little good will. However, if you really want to build your BC holdings, and since you have the shop already, why not put up a little site that has some of those refurbished laptops, etc.. and put prices in USD but "hot-convert" then to BC as well and accept that in payment. Obviously, you might not want to do that for all of them, but if it's something you'd take $100 for - why not also accept ~750BC for it (~$141 currently to make it more profitable and cover shipping and exchange expenses).
You might find that in no time at all you've got a BC balance like some of us do, and if they're slightly older - therefore more likely to be fully linux-compatible - you might find much more demand than you'd see locally.