Wallet is really slowing down my server, I need to restart it after each transaction.
Often, 50% CPU occupation occurs, even if wallet is loaded and doing nothing.
All mined coins I could not sent at once, I needed to chunk transaction size to 100.000 after that to 80.000 coins.
And with all this troubles took me a long time sending them to YoBit.
I asked for solution to correct it, nothing came out.
On same machine I have 10 other wallets, working like a charm.
Turning off BOD wallet makes those CPU to stabilize at 10-12%.
Only YoBit exchange, and price was bottom low.
After all this, my decision was final, sayonara BOD.
But focus on wallet issues...
Edit: latst wallet from official site, Win 7 64 bit 4 gig ram.
I am not sure about CPU usage, didn't see it on my Server. takes only 0.7% CPU
16566 bloodsrv 20 0 818100 148356 18620 S
0.7 14.7 70:08.06 bloodcoind
about TX size, this is protocol definition... maximum tx size is 100000 bytes. not related to amount of coins, but to TX size
and because block reward is low now, to send a lot of coins requires a lot of inputs..
configured the TX size to be small. because block size is also small (200k bytes), i did that because of 20 seconds block target, i want smaller blocks so they will transmit quicker
if you are running on a server, it can be easy to write script that will send small chunks of coins to another wallet
I am not happy that you sold all coins because of this
i hope the one buying from you can make profit
thank you for writting