We are announcing a first BrazukCoin (BZK) airdrop! A maximum of 50 users will be accepted for this airdrop. Each application will be reviewed individually and each user that is accepted will be given 50 BZK.
You need to
1. Join our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/KUKP3GU
2. Create BZK wallet (instructions are in the forum and github)
3. Sign up here: https://[Suspicious link removed]/forms/TNBuTZhYowPtUZlq1
4. Being active user in Twitter - about cryptocurrency
Not all applications will be accepted. Users with the following have increased probability of acceptance:
1. Being active on Bitcointalk and Twitter
2. Being involved with BZK
3. Being involved with mining
4. Helping BZK with development / design
5. Retweeting posts
Airdrop will be initiated when 50 users will get accepted.
Here is the link from official account, hopefully they wont remove this one:
Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/TNBuTZhYowPtUZlq1