
Topic: [ANN] [BSV] [Bitcoin SV] Original Satoshi Vision - page 21. (Read 226477 times)

Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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What is the best beaxy exchange or .... ?

I often use Beaxy Exchange to serve clients from all over the world who are actively trading in more than 42 US states. Legal tender deposits are supported by bank transfer in USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD

I recommend 2 which is just as efficient to trade stocks, commodities, forex, indices, cryptos in 2 clicks with BSV paymails!

And simply, fast and secure.
Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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638MB block and? beginning of what, another long stream of tiny blocks with fake transactions?

Not false transactions, the data (in the block) are here, see:

Data filling you can also do it (outside tx transaction):
and many other methods.

Maybe it's time to stop hating, accept BSV force & grow up.

Observe that: in on a day (13 mars 2021) = 3.7GB uploaded in various sizes, payloads, rates & broadcast methods. Every single transaction has been processed. #BSV v1.0.7 is a beast! It never skipped a beat. Hats off to the node team for such rock solid enterprise software. We did break everything else though!

Activity: 2
Merit: 33

REX: Bitcoin’s first trustless decentralized exchange

RelayX has launched Bitcoin’s first fully decentralized, trustless, non-custodial, peer-to-peer DeFi order book. The RelayX decentralized exchange, which is being referred to as REX, launched today (March 11th) and already has one trading pair–SHUA/BSV–listed.

The launch of REX was initially announced this morning via a RelayX blog post; the blog post read like a soon ™ announcement, saying,

“RelayX is pre-announcing the announcement of soon to be released RelayX Exchange (REX).”

This lead me, and maybe others, to believe that the actual launch of REX was far off into the future. However, shortly after the pre-announcement was made, RelayX revealed that REX would be launching at 3:30 pm UTC and that SHUA coin would be the first BSV token listed on REX.

It’s important to note that both the REX and SHUA live on the RUN network.

“We use run because it’s the only trustless token solution on the market at this point,” said an individual familiar with the matter.

“We believe the RUN protocol represents the most advanced smart contracting capabilities on Bitcoin to date and RelayX will contribute significant technical, human, and financial investment towards the build out of the RUN ecosystem,” said the RelayX blog post.

Supplying demand

REX is only a few hours old, however, hundreds of trades have already been made via REX.

According to RelayX Founder Jack Liu, In Rex’s first 2 hours, 100+ trades and 500+ on-chain transactions were made for a single asset (SHUA).

“There’s so much more we want to do with it to make it more powerful and we will. [But we will] Save that for another day,” said Liu.

“Now that it’s out there in the open, we’re excited for [what] people will build on, beside, and aside from [using] it to make [the] token ecosystem that much better than any other chain.”

REX is the very first trustless, P2P, fully decentralized exchange on Bitcoin; that being said, REX truly fills a gap that was missing in the Bitcoin ecosystem–a token offramp. With the advent of tokens on BSV, members of the Bitcoin community have been eager to get their hands on tokens–which has been easy. What has been challenging is that there was no fortified marketplace where individuals could exit their token positions–but REX changes this.

The launch of RelayX’s REX marks another major innovation milestone in BitcoinSV, and I look forward to seeing how RelayX, REX, and the RUN network evolve over time.

Source: Thanks to Patrick Thompson
Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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Oh Oh Oh is Soon™ today!

How many specialized media are talking about #GigaMegs, covering the event? Coindesk - Decrypt - Journalducoin - Forbes crypto - Cointelepgraph.... ? None of these sadly.

Are the mafia of silence - in the meantime they will sell you BTC Ponzi at the expense of progress, the very passion of computer science does not exist in them, mass advertisements and click whores articles is the observation. Nothing about the possibilities pushed back. Nothing about innovation.

Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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It is now safe to say that we have created a new record block of 638MB on BSV. #GigaMegs

638Mb in the block number 678301

This is just the beginning! Welcome to utility thanks to the work of talented people who now enable scaling for everyone, enterprises, users, developers, 3-witness neural IoT network. Use and build on BSV is convenient  &

If you are a beginner and want to discover how to access #BitcoinSV ecosystem it is here:

The only #Bitcoin with an real complet ecosystem, +480 Apps, big blocs, source code stable, instant send (SPV technology), nano #IoT / Transaction Full Ready, Turing complet, #NFT platforms, 50.000 tps come this next days, really scaled.

So the BitcoinSV protocols allow archaic business models to evolve, the identity-based Internet to emerge and finances to migrate to a new, state-of-the-art system through a secure, economical, stable and globally scaled 3-party network for all computerized and non-computerized industries!

Activity: 13
Merit: 32

Oh Oh Oh is Soon™ today!

Activity: 13
Merit: 32
Bitcoin’s first exchange for NFT tokens is now live

Bitcoin finally has a decentralized exchange for tokens. Bitcoin Token Exchange went live on March 6, and is currently the most functional—and only—decentralized exchange for tokens that is up and running on Bitcoin SV.

“I started seeing people talking about Simple Fabriik Protocol (SFP) tokens on Twitter a few weeks ago (Feb 18th). People were minting them, and sending them out to anyone who asked,” said Bitcoin Token Exchange founder Graeme Madden, also known as ‘Gmadd’ on Twitter and Twetch.

“I got sent a lot of different tokens, and I wanted to see them in an alphabetical list with more token details, so I set up a page to use the Money Button API to display them (and to learn how to use the API).

“Some people were trading them on Twitter, so I thought it would be a good idea to let other people list their tokens that they wanted to trade and allow them to contact each other through the site. Then following suggestions from users, I started working on adding a trading function to allow people to transfer tokens directly on the site by swiping a Money Button. The rest has just come from ideas about what might be useful and suggestions from users.”

From an end-user perspective, it is a bit like using eBay because completing a transaction requires both the buyer and seller to do a bit of manual labor (until it is automated of course).

Here’s how it works:

Buyers on the platform select the token they would like to purchase and then swipe a Money Button to pay. Afterward, the order appears in the seller’s Orders list; the seller then needs to swipe a Money Button to send the buyers their tokens.

“As of now, there’s been 642 users who have logged in. There are currently 692 listings showing on the For Sale page. 328 payments made since 6th March (when the buy/sell bit went live),” said Madden.

As you can see, BTE is not even a week old, yet, it is picking up a significant amount of traction. Beyond buying and selling tokens, BTE users can:

– View their list of tokens held in their Money Button wallet and mark tokens as ‘Available for Trade’

– View a list of all tokens (not complete, but shows all that have been seen by the site) and mark tokens that they want

– View matches (users who have something you want, and want something you have available)

– Create a trade offer and send it to another user (with Counter/Accept/Reject Offer buttons)

– Send messages to other users

– Define, Mint, and Modify tokens

– Rate other users

– Send tokens/payment to any Money Button paymail

– View list of sale listings

– Buy/Sell tokens directly with other users, and

– View their Buy/Sell orders.

The future of BTE and tokens on Bitcoin

This is just the beginning for Bitcoin Token Exchange; BTE is in its infancy and there are many upgrades to come.

“I’ve been working on getting everything running smoothly, fixing little bugs, and making the UI/information side a bit clearer,” said Madden. “The biggest feature request has been to automate token transfers so sellers don’t have to manually send, and buyers receive straight away. I would really like to add this. I’d like to integrate all token protocols/other wallets and make the transfers seamless. I have another idea for a game using tokens, but that’s on hold at the minute.”

He noted, “I’m aware some big companies are working on token marketplaces, and I don’t expect to compete with them with the resources they have available, so I hope to add additional features that they don’t provide. It’s all moving so fast, so I’ll try to keep up and add as many useful features as I can, and see what the users require.”

The creation of Bitcoin Token Exchange marks a major innovation milestone on BSV. Fabriik’s Simple Fabriik Protocol for tokens opened the floodgate for tokenization and token implementation in business models. But a crucial aspect of tokenization is the ability to exchange one token for another, and there was an infrastructure gap that existed in this regard until Madden stepped up to create BTE.

Another infrastructure gap that Madden alluded to is automation via smart contracts. Automation is in high demand across Bitcoin at the moment. Smart contracts have existed for quite some time on Bitcoin, but it wasn’t until recently that applications like Bitcoin Token Exchange created a real demand for smart contracts.

I believe that in the coming weeks and months, we are going to see this change, and will see smart contract capabilities and tooling in BSV improve significantly and begin getting implemented in several applications, platforms, and services.

Because at the end of the day, platforms like Bitcoin Token Exchange are forcing Bitcoin SV to evolve and be better. That being said, the Bitcoin ecosystem and its participants will—and do—have better tools and resources available to them thanks to platforms like Madden’s BTE pushing the limits of what Bitcoin can do.

Source: Patrick Thompson
Activity: 13
Merit: 32
HandCash hackathon for non-Bitcoin developers coming in spring 2021

A hackathon for non-Bitcoin developers? That’s right.

Co-founder and CEO Alex Agut announced HandCash’s upcoming hackathon during Kurt’s impromptu livestream last February 24.

Never before has there been a hackathon in the Bitcoin ecosystem geared toward individuals that do not already develop on Bitcoin. This idea is new and novel, and is bound to result in innovative apps, products, and services being built on Bitcoin that we would not see otherwise.

“We’re hosting a hackathon for non-Bitcoin developers because we want to demonstrate that HandCash Connect is ready for non-Bitcoiners. The theme of the hackathon will be to monetize your Flutter apps with nano-payments,” said Rafa Jiménez Seibane, the co-founder and CTO of HandCash.

“We have the technology that makes nano payments possible. The next step is finding the business models and industries where nano payments are a game-changer. Flutter is a great framework for building apps, which makes it ideal for building small apps around nano-payments and getting real-world feedback—build, learn, measure.”

Although there is no official date for the Hackathon yet, you can expect the HandCash hackathon to take place in early spring.

“Considering how powerful Flutter is and how easy it is to integrate HandCash Connect, participants will have two weeks to build a small but functional product,” said Seibane.

“The participants must also send a small presentation video (roughly 2 minutes long) explaining their project.”

HandCash will be giving prizes to the hackathon contestants that come in first through tenth place. Teams that place 1st through 3rd will receive €1000, €500, and €200, respectfully, while teams that place 4th-10th will receive a €50 Amazon gift card.

When we asked Seibane what he would like to see come out of the hackathon, he told us:

“Many exciting outcomes: more apps that integrate nano payments for our app gallery, many developers experimenting and understanding the new era of nano payments, and most importantly, non-Bitcoin developers being able to integrate HandCash Connect into their projects. Regardless of the outcome, we will learn a lot, that’s the main objective.”

Be on the lookout for the official announcement of the HandCash hackathon! You will want to follow HandCash and its co-founders Rafa Jiménez Seibane and Alex Agut across social media to make sure you catch the announcement as soon as it goes live!

Source Patrick Thompson
Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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Hey hater....

Welcome to the real world!

#Bitcoin's ecosystem is getting even bigger. Always at the service of all & accessible for everyone!

The archaic #economic models established for decades will finally be able to #evolve!

Be the Bitcoin revolution, be the #BitcoinNation

Activity: 2
Merit: 33

Celebrating International Women's Day 2021 ! 🎉🎉🎉

Encouraging more Women into Blockchain & STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) related Industries!  #InternationalWomenDay2021 #IWD2021

A mission to empower Women in Tech.
#Bitcoinsv #BSV

Activity: 7
Merit: 39
That said the price of BSV is stable in $ as well as the transfer fees of the hundreds of thousands of times cheaper on BSV.

wtf would that suppose to mean? have you ever checked your balance? bsv is downtrend all the way to the bottom.

and btw, Belmarsh is waiting for Craig Shittoshi Wrong

  Welcome new Troll ... See it for yourself, FIAT / BSV - USD / BSV - EUR / BSV - YEN / BSV - RUB / BSV - INR / BSV ....... same result = stable

brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
A: R\ MacLane, it's a life's work and then other (artificial) ones, get help. This epiphany that normally should have happened in a car in February 2021 is in this reality can change absolutely everything in a metaphysical world moving through the universe.

Don't see 4D but much more, especially if the superposition of all times exist at the same time. The immutability of a block gives you a solid base, the miniaturization encoding can reach other levels here. The basis of a new world, new unlimited virgin ground. Imagine the expanded possibilities with the BITCOIN Blockchain (BSV the only one) being able since 2020-21 to routinely issue millions of transactions contained in a single block, (much more to come) thanks to the secure elliptical overlay of OTC (which is actually a door) you can expect other dimensions. BITCOIN is a base that allows the beyond possible. The ellipse is everywhere. Even if we only use a fragment of the possibilities (like the human brain).

By the way: Did you know that it is possible to mine in static electricity (discovered in 2017). Thus a spark is enough to create worlds. In this MacLane space duplication is possible with or without harmonics.

As for the others, the enthusiasts of lever systems don't be fooled by BTC Blockstreamed this one is only an illusion that is most certainly made to perhaps absorb your space time, discredit the technologies as well as vaporize your capital. But who will eat the last piece of toast?

The economy for some will change radically, space exploitation leads to other paths, the extraction of precious minerals, proto planets, asteroids will open other fields.

To the TOKTOK generations If you are looking for a real reserve of value you should look at yourself to reach your safe conduct. Learn continuously, don't waste your time as a monkey, your freedoms are counting down.

As for the decision-makers: Share your physical and intellectual wealth for the prosperity of all genuine humans is also an enlightenment to be born in the mind of the group of leaders who will reason in all the multiworlds.

To future generations, the solar system and its limited resources is like a gigantic special ship that is racing towards Andromeda. Who will know how to steer to stop at the next destination, deliver and then continue? This is the message to be saved. Other stranded civilizations have encoded the data from Crystal's skulls, on monuments, discovered and undiscovered stones. We are the guarantors of our future. Encoded in other dimensions is a perennial solution, as long as we know how to decode them. Until then be strong but compassionate, existence is not always sweet for everyone.

Message to Elon & his conquerors friends of Asia: 16 Psyche M is your salvation to redistribute the cards of history. Others will help you. The longitude of the ascending knot is not quite right at 150.352° beware of solar winds and intense radiation, using the sun and lens as a foundry can help save millions of lives. The Earth, its people, hand in hand.

So the coming years and decades will all be as rich in major discoveries especially related to the BITCOIN possibilities (the Unique, BSV) but I won't write more until next time in months, years for you but in a few minutes for me.  

Activity: 2
Merit: 33
So, from January this year, BTC has gained almost x2.
Roughly again, your SV scam coin has folded more than x10.

Great work guys, keep scamming. Tongue

You compare to the BTC price ..... Prices (as well as all crypto) are falling on the BTC / pairs. Same sanction for BSV/BTC pair because is result of BTC market dominance. That said the price of BSV is stable in $ as well as the transfer fees of the hundreds of thousands of times cheaper on BSV.



Do you find it normal that on the BTC market cap displays 598milliard on February 07th and that the next day Mr Musk buys for 1.6 billion $ of BTC so on February 08th, 2021, but the pump price of your BTC is displayed at +30%. 1.6 billion is however a drop of water in the so-called market of your global BTC displayed... You don't find this truncated?! Yet it has been seen and the specialised media have still (as always as soon as the cartel's participatory dishonesty has to be hidden) passed this flagrant discrepancy under silence. (Now even CMC has changed the way the data is displayed).

You will agree that BTC is clearly useless with outrageous charges, it is a real scam manipulated, the information disseminated on under control to set the trend.

It's a waste of money because things could be healthier. Just like BSV which you describe (without any proof whatsoever) as a scam every week.

What you do by systematically insulting people and shouting scams will end up playing tricks on you. You may own BTCs (as indicated in your history here) and therefore your objective here in your history is to crush others, to impose your ideas at all costs, to make money without producing anything.

But the Bitcoin spirit is not that. The Bitcoin spirit is to build, to be really useful. Not to play Ponzi casino, what you convey in your judgments truncated with BTC, ETH and other manipulated crypto.

Activity: 7
Merit: 39

Calvin Ayre issues statement on Bitcoin Association’s response to Craig Wright legal action

This statement is Calvin Ayre’s personal opinion, and not one of anyone else.

I know this may be hard for some people to accept, but Craig Wright isn’t God, nor does he wield godlike control over the Bitcoin Association.

Last Friday (February 26), the Switzerland-based Bitcoin Association issued a statement in response to last week’s ‘letter before action’ issued by attorneys acting on behalf of Dr. Craig S. Wright’s Tulip Trading Ltd. The notices were sent to a number of Bitcoin developers, including those representing the BTC, BCH, BCH ABC and BSV protocols.

The letters advised these developers of Craig’s pursuit of legal redress following the theft of encrypted private keys to two addresses holding several billion dollars’ worth of BTC. Craig’s action is intended to establish the legal obligations held by these developers by requiring them to assist Craig’s efforts to regain access to and control of the stolen BTC.

The Who

Some observers have questioned why Craig included the Bitcoin Association in this action, given its role as the global body that oversees the Bitcoin SV (BSV) protocol that Craig designed and supports. There seems to be some confusion over Craig’s relationship with the Bitcoin Association, so allow me to unmuddy these waters.

The Association has no role in Craig’s legal action, but the Association’s statement of February 26 expresses its support for his efforts to compel network developers to assist victims of crime in reclaiming stolen property.

The Association similarly shares Craig’s desire to reintroduce software solutions that he included in Bitcoin’s original code but which were subsequently removed during Craig’s temporary exit from the scene in the years immediately following Bitcoin’s release. The Association views this as an essential step in instilling confidence in the technology underpinning Bitcoin and ensuring wider adoption of its use as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that operates under the rule of law. The Association plans to follow all relevant areas of law in this and all matters.

The How

There are some prominent Chicken Littles with obvious vested interests who claim Craig’s legal moves will achieve the exact opposite, undermining confidence by requiring network administrators to effectively roll back the blockchain, thereby undoing months of transactions recorded in blocks mined since the February 2020 theft of Craig’s BTC.

But such claims ignore the fact that Craig constructed Bitcoin’s code as a triple-entry accounting system. All that’s technically required is one transaction to return the stolen coins to their rightful owner, while a second transaction would ‘burn’ the ledger’s existing entry. Meanwhile, the blockchain would ensure that evidence of the crime is publicly retained.

Bitcoin’s various forks (such as BTC and BCH) removed this functionality from their code but it would be fairly easy for miners to reinsert these tools. This would help enshrine Bitcoin as a legally compliant technology and remove the threat of future legal actions that are undoubtedly in the works by other victims of digital larceny.

The Why

The fact that Craig has been forced to take this seemingly drastic legal step only reinforces the idea behind the formation of the Bitcoin Association—the belief that becoming a professional global ecosystem requires a coordinating body to ensure the technology operates within legal parameters.

We chose Zug as the Association’s headquarters in part based on my personal history with Switzerland, where I’ve had a base of operations for years to assist management of my various business interests. But we also took into account Switzerland’s strict regulatory climate, which has earned the country a reputation as a desirable jurisdiction for legally compliant global operations.

Much of the digital currency industry has also chosen Switzerland as a home base due to local regulators’ familiarity with and acceptance of Bitcoin, making it the perfect home for the Association that represents the original Bitcoin protocol.

I was one of the Bitcoin Association’s founders and currently serve as a member of its Executive Committee. The Association also features a number of influential figures from the BSV community, including Chairman Stefan Matthews and President Jimmy Nguyen.

The Association will welcome its second independent director later this year to bolster its commitment to transparency and legal compliance, as well as an additional industry figure to ensure a wide variety of views factor into our decision-making process.

But despite Craig being the real-world figure behind the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym credited with inventing Bitcoin back in 2008, Craig is not part of the Association, a decision that was intended from day one to demonstrate that no single individual controls BSV.

Part of Craig’s vision for restoring Bitcoin’s original design was to lock BSV’s protocol, offering developers and enterprises the confidence with which to proceed with their plans, safe in the knowledge that their work won’t be sabotaged by decisions made without their consultation by self-appointed network demigods.

If you want a real-world example of why this is necessary, consider all that has been built on the internet following its widespread adoption in the mid-90s. None of that would have been possible without the assurance that the digital foundation on which companies were developing would not suddenly shift under their feet.

Craig’s decision to lock BSV’s protocol was also intended to ensure that no single individual—including himself—could exercise control over the network. Craig has stated that if you can’t change the protocol, then the protocol has no ‘God.’ The technology then becomes solely about the best companies developing the best products, exactly what Bitcoin promised and what BSV has delivered.

So don’t believe the hype emanating from those who claim Craig’s legal action is intended to achieve an unchallengeable dominance over Bitcoin. He himself has ensured that can never happen. All he wants is for the technology he invented to fulfill its destiny as a legally compliant global payment and data storage system.

I mentioned in a previous article that digital currency’s ‘wild west’ phase was rapidly coming to a close, much as the original Wild West period did. Nowadays, we might look back at the rough and ready figures from those frontier days as colourful rogues, but no one wants to go back to a society in which individuals could shoot each other dead after a losing poker hand or rustle another man’s cattle without fear of legal retribution.

Bottom line: all societies are built on laws and if the digital currency sector chooses to believe that it’s an exception to this rule, it will soon find itself relegated to the pages of history alongside Jesse James, Billy the Kid and the Hole in the Wall gang, none of whom, if you’ll recall, died of old age.

The Bitcoin Association has chosen to wear a white hat in this drama, which is just one of the reasons— alongside unparalleled scaling capacity and ultra-low transaction fees—why BSV’s long-term future appears far brighter than its legally conflicted rivals.

Source: Big thanks to Calvin Ayre  Cool
Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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Funny - SV's sole existence is to mislead.
Hey Princess Troll!

Honestly, in a strange way I like the princess troll tag.

Hey princess...

Wake up!!

Princess, I understand your point of view but I can't help it. I don't know if God exists but that doesn't stop anyone from exploring the paths that open up before them.

No scam here, only constructions, many materializations of projects (still many many more in progress), have you really not read anything of all that has been presented here on this thread this last year and the year before!? Lots and lots of companies and freelance contractors in Bitcoin SV.

Understanding that creativity is one of the pillars here in Bitcoin, the potential is open to all, even you. Not being closed to the idea because of someone you don't like is a real shame because you don't discover the joys of new experiences, you don't explore your potential by limiting yourself, your creativity stays dormant, your liberation stay on OFF button. Look beyond this obtuse angle, see what Bitcoin offers in terms of possibilities, exploited here with BitcoinSV.

Bitcoin (BSV) redistributes the potential to "really be in control of your data" not GAFAM making money on data.

The new business models are thus deployed, it's a revolution because it doesn't exist elsewhere.

But given the context and the Bitcoin gang warfare then all these innovations are passed over in silence, especially in the specialised press because of morons who only think about their navels. How many ppl has remained in Hodl BTC sheep mode without benefiting from the real Bitcoin potential. See BTC hardly allows you to create, nor anything really useful for people. Moreover BTC has been changed compared to what Bitcoin really is (now aka BSV > unlimited potential) This technology is made to be exploited, used, that's the principle. If you don't breathe then you die.

I propose you to come and try the Bitcoin SV ecosystem applications, there's everything: games, blogs, pewpew, video on demand, courses to learn, central advertising that pays differently than anything else, NFT tokens to exchange...... and really a lot of apps that allow you to win Bitcoins! If you really want to understand Bitcoin then you need to explore it.

Start in BSV ecosystem here:
A many few possibilities to discover here

must be hard for supporters

Yeah, especially when they support something fake, trying to sell it for something else, whilst their master controls the vast majority of their coins.
@Cryptotourist come and try the BSV applications... You will see that they are useful and real.
Activity: 4
Merit: 46
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Dive into an academia-quality, university-style Bitcoin education with Bitcoin SV Academy!

With courses available completely online and free to join, take on a brand new challenge!

#learning #BitcoinSV #Blockchain #onlinecourses #BSV #Crypto #degree
Activity: 2
Merit: 33
You’re calling it Bitcoin,
but you’re actually talking about BTC.

You’ve been sent to this page because you’re actually talking about BTC, but referencing it as Bitcoin.
BTC, the asset, and Bitcoin, the invention are two vastly different things.

Bitcoin was invented in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto as a “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”

In the whitepaper detailing Bitcoin, he described it as a way to replace the existing payment processing systems on the Internet because they do not permit microtransactions due to high fees (Visa, MasterCard, PayPal).

He even mentioned specifically that even with existing hardware, Bitcoin could already scale larger than Visa’s 15 million daily online payments at the time. BTC, today, is capped at ~300,000 transactions per day…what happened?

Bitcoin as created by Satoshi came with a plethora of features:

instant transactions
transaction fees 1/100 of a penny
scripting language and smart contracts
data storage on blockchain
Bitcoin was a complete functioning system upon release, not a prototype that could be changed according to current sentiment. Satoshi stuck around publicly until late 2010 and privately until mid-2011. Immediately after his departure, suspicious new entities showed up to public conversation to derail the purpose of Bitcoin as digital cash and to turn it into a “community project.”

Between 2013 and 2017, crippling updates came to Bitcoin Core (BTC) that removed all of the aforementioned features. Why? Who would benefit the most from instant, fee-free digital cash being suppressed?

In 2015, MasterCard invested in Digital Currency Group (DCG), which was one of the primary investors in Blockstream, the company that hired virtually all Bitcoin developers at the time.

Additional developers were paid by companies that include Jeffrey Epstein-funded MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative, and also the venture capital subsidiary of 100+ billion euro European insurance company AXA, of which the CEO at the time was also the Chairman of the Bilderberg Group.

After these investments, practically all talk of on-chain scaling was suppressed on all mediums and people who attempted to drive the conversation were hit with social engineering and DDoS attacks.

What were the consequences for Bitcoin of these investments that persist until today?

Digital Currency Group creates the investment fund arm of their business, Grayscale Investments; Grayscale pivots the Bitcoin brand as “digital gold” and advertises it as an investment rather than digital cash. “GBTC” fund has $35b AUM and has contributed significantly to institutional investors thinking Bitcoin was designed to be digital gold, which is a complete falsehood.

Digital Currency Group invests in various competitors to what Bitcoin was originally capable of doing before the malicious protocol changes and removals:

• Lightning Network for off-chain second-layer “instant” transactions as opposed to on-chain instant transactions,

• RSK for smart contracts on BTC instead of using now-deprecated built-in Bitcoin script,

• Ripple for instant transactions on their own blockchain,

• Parity, who created the Polkadot blockchain, doing smart contracts,

and 50+ more.


Instead of consolidating all of these applications on the Bitcoin chain, now they all have their private separate solutions, as well as speculative tokens.

So, what happened to the original Bitcoin protocol?

The Bitcoin protocol on the BTC chain has had a lot of changes over the years, and at one point it became so different from the original Bitcoin that a large percentage of users and miners alike decided that it’s time to split away from the BTC chain that no longer represented Bitcoin.

In August 2017, “SegWit” or Segregated Witness, was to be implemented into BTC to make transactions take up less space in the blockchain. This would break the “chain of signatures” that exist in Bitcoin; one of the most important features allowing you to trace back coins from the very moment they were mined. Thus, Bitcoiners forked the chain to preserve the true Bitcoin and on August 2017 the Bitcoin Cash blockchain split off from Bitcoin Core. The mission now was to start undoing the changes done between Satoshi’s departure and 2017.

Bitcoin Cash ran as the original Bitcoin until November 2018; it wasn’t complete, the protocol still needed to be restored to original. After some disputes in 2018, with one side not wanting to respect the original protocol and go their own way (like eventually wanting to implement a “developer tax”), Bitcoin once again split from the Bitcoin Cash chain to preserve the protocol, into what is now: Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV).

BSV is the most complete Satoshi implementation of Bitcoin and restored the Bitcoin script stack, allows instant transactions, fees cost 1/100 of a penny and allow smart contracts and data storage on the blockchain. Bitcoin is now, once again, a problem on competitors’ radars…it is no longer crippled. So, what happened next?

What happened next is pretty predictable…

In April of 2019, five months after the original Bitcoin was restored in BSV, exchanges started taking coordinated action to delist Bitcoin SV, with the false-but-popular narrative of “protecting the crypto community from a fraud, Craig Wright.”

Within a month of each other, the following companies delisted BSV from their exchanges/wallets:

• Binance

• Kraken – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• ShapeShift – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• Blockchain – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

Additionally, several high profile exchanges & liquidity services did not support BSV in the first place:

• Gemini

• bitFlyer – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• Coinbase – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• eToro – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• Grayscale Trusts – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

• Ledger Wallet – in Digital Currency Group portfolio

If something is supposed to be dead but then comes back from the dead, it can scare everyone who thought it was dead for good. This is what happened here. If the asset is not available to purchase or store to most crypto investors, they can surely believe it’s a “scam”, because all these companies surely have all their best interests in mind and do not want them to purchase worthless tokens…

Today, most crypto exchanges, prominent competitor blockchains, coin market cap aggregators, crypto news outlets, etc. are owned by the same few companies as above, and you will never find unbiased information about BSV there because it threatens their entire investment portfolio.

What can you do on Bitcoin today?

The original Bitcoin protocol has been partially restored since late 2018, but fully only since the “Genesis” upgrade in 2020 which restored all of the original features Satoshi put in place and removed all of the crippling effects. Today, the restored Bitcoin can handle up to 10,000 transactions per second and scales infinitely; it will be able to handle millions of transactions per second in the future.

Since then, Bitcoiners have made on the BSV blockchain:

• wallets that are more user friendly than traditional money apps,

• email protocols on the blockchain,

• micropayment betting apps (as little as $0.001),

• pay-per-minute streaming sites,

• permanent data storage sites, etc.

Which one will you choose?

It’s crystal clear that BTC is not the Bitcoin that Satoshi Nakamoto created in 2008.

It’s crystal clear that MasterCard’s investment into DCG is not a coincidence; today, MasterCard, Visa and PayPal all support BTC purchases.

It’s crystal clear that there has been a successful effort to suppress Bitcoin as BSV by DCG-controlled companies.

It’s crystal clear that Bitcoin is not “digital gold” but the future of the Internet, and BTC is falsely using the name.

It’s crystal clear that the establishment has hijacked Bitcoin and are using suckers to promote their fraudulent theft of a revolutionary invention.

Whether the above players like it or not, almost every site will be integrated with Bitcoin micropayments in the future, or else they will not exist.

Activity: 2
Merit: 33
Funny - SV's sole existence is to mislead.
Hey Princess Troll!

Honestly, in a strange way I like the princess troll tag.

Hey princess...

Wake up!!

Princess, I understand your point of view but I can't help it. I don't know if God exists but that doesn't stop anyone from exploring the paths that open up before them.

No scam here, only constructions, many materializations of projects (still many many more in progress), have you really not read anything of all that has been presented here on this thread this last year and the year before!? Lots and lots of companies and freelance contractors in Bitcoin SV.

Understanding that creativity is one of the pillars here in Bitcoin, the potential is open to all, even you. Not being closed to the idea because of someone you don't like is a real shame because you don't discover the joys of new experiences, you don't explore your potential by limiting yourself, your creativity stays dormant, your liberation stay on OFF button. Look beyond this obtuse angle, see what Bitcoin offers in terms of possibilities, exploited here with BitcoinSV.

Bitcoin (BSV) redistributes the potential to "really be in control of your data" not GAFAM making money on data.

The new business models are thus deployed, it's a revolution because it doesn't exist elsewhere.

But given the context and the Bitcoin gang warfare then all these innovations are passed over in silence, especially in the specialised press because of morons who only think about their navels. How many ppl has remained in Hodl BTC sheep mode without benefiting from the real Bitcoin potential. See BTC hardly allows you to create, nor anything really useful for people. Moreover BTC has been changed compared to what Bitcoin really is (now aka BSV > unlimited potential) This technology is made to be exploited, used, that's the principle. If you don't breathe then you die.

I propose you to come and try the Bitcoin SV ecosystem applications, there's everything: games, blogs, pewpew, video on demand, courses to learn, central advertising that pays differently than anything else, NFT tokens to exchange...... and really a lot of apps that allow you to win Bitcoins! If you really want to understand Bitcoin then you need to explore it.

Start in BSV ecosystem here:
A many few possibilities to discover here

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Activity: 0
Merit: 29

Next Thursday, we'd love for you to join us at our Bitcoin SV Virtual Meetup! In this edition, we're taking a close look at developments happening in the Americas, with a great line-up of guests from across the Bitcoin SV ecosystem.

Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen will once again play host for the evening. He'll be joined by:

Fabriik developers Miguel Duarte and Mauro Lewinzon on the Simple Fabriik Protocol for tokens.

Bitcoin SV developer Attila Aros on non-fungible tokens and digital assets backed by Bitcoin. founder Zachary Weiner on tracking vaccines using the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

Britevue co-founder & CEO Connor Murray on Bitcoin SV Academy and updates on his company.
It all starts at 6:00pm (EST) on Thursday, March 4. Register now to reserve your place.

We'll see you there!

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Activity: 0
Merit: 29
Bitcoin Association statement concerning legal action by Dr Craig S. Wright/Tulip Trading Ltd.

Our Bitcoin Association is the Switzerland-based global industry organisation that supports Bitcoin SV (BSV), one of the main chains of Bitcoin.

On February 24, 2021, we received a ‘letter before action’ from counsel for Tulip Trading Ltd. (a company associated with Dr Craig S. Wright), asserting that our Association has duties under English law, as managers of the Bitcoin SV Node software, to provide access and control to bitcoins that were stolen from a computer of Dr Wright in February 2020.

We understand that similar letters were sent to protocol developers of Bitcoin Core (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA). We also understand that Dr Wright or Tulip Trading Ltd. has filed a court action in London, England related to these issues.

We generally agree with Dr Wright’s position that the digital currency and blockchain industry should strive to develop technical mechanisms and industry best practices to provide remedies, upon valid proof of ownership and with judicial due process, to restore control of lost or stolen coins to their rightful owner – just as there are remedies available for any asset or property (physical, digital, intangible or otherwise).

We also agree that the introduction of such solutions would help to engender more confidence in Bitcoin among everyday users, businesses and government agencies, and lead to wider adoption of Bitcoin’s innovative technology. This aligns with our Association’s goal to build a lawful digital currency ecosystem that leverages the capabilities of the Bitcoin public ledger to advance more honesty, transparency and accountability in the world.

However, we do not agree with aspects of the legal position taken by Dr Wright’s company and its counsel (as outlined in the correspondence we received).

Bitcoin Association respects the right of every individual to pursue legal remedies available to them, and when there are differing positions, the role of courts to adjudicate on these disagreements. As this matter is now subject to legal proceedings, we will have no further comment at this time and will respond accordingly in the appropriate venue in due course.

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