Is this something I have said, or something you are assuming?
If a low hashrate loyal miner goes through a loyalty-supporting pool, and mines 0.054 coins during a particularly difficult time, the pool would indicate to him he has earned 0.054 coins plus 0.054 loyalty credits. A high hashrate loyal miner solo mines, and finds 10 blocks during a difficult time, and each time he found a block, he sees in his QT wallet, that he has gained 50 coins, plus 50 loyalty credits, for a total of 500 coins and 500 loyalty credits.
There is no difference between fast small rock and slow large rock. The momentum is the same. You don't know if they are loyal or fast. That's the problem. There is no way to tell. Also we're not trying to penalize people for choosing different coins. It's the sudden switch, that's the problem. It's like soldiers don't march over a bridge (a pool). The synchronized force can cause the bridge to collapse. The solution is to randomize the force, not penalize it. Buffer it, add some cotton, soften it. Stop treating the miners like two year olds. Some of them don't care about coins, and they have a right not to care. Maybe they have bills to pay. This isn't a college fraternity. It's a community. People come and go for various reasons.
Now, the difficulty level goes way down, and it is easy to mine blocks. The low hashrate loyal miner continues mining through the pool, and he pretty quickly earns 0.054 coins and in the process extinguishes the 0.054 loyalty credits. A non-loyal slow miner who did not earn loyalty credits contributes the same amount of hash to the same pool (jumping in for the easy difficulty), but not having earned loyalty credits during the previous high difficulty era, receives only .027 coins, per rules of the coin.
There is MORE than one coin. The fast hoppers don't leave at high difficulty in one coin. They leave when other coins have lower difficulty. You could have high difficulty and fast hoppers staying because another coin has higher difficulty or lower reward. Then the hoppers would get the reward while the slow loyals of the other coins get half rewards because they couldn't afford the electricity to mine during high difficulty.