
Topic: [ANN] CatoCoin : The Next Generation of Masternode Coins with NextGen Technology - page 9. (Read 64222 times)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Do you Need Indonesian Translator, I don't see it listed on your Announcement? if you need one, please kindly reserve it for me. Also the discord link is not working..
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 513
What's with that blackmail drama? Can someone give me a TL;DR version of that? I'm really interested in hearing all about it!


Someone on the internet called a random altcoin a scam (*gasp*, this is the first time something like that happened, am I right???).

Some rando tried to blackmail the team, maybe the same guy, maybe not (WHAAAAT? People trying to scam people online?? What is happening???).

Team is acting like the "tough navy seal on the internet" reddit copypasta (see below).

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
sr. member
Activity: 658
Merit: 250
What's with that blackmail drama? Can someone give me a TL;DR version of that? I'm really interested in hearing all about it!
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
oh youre in the USA?

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the U.S. Treasury Department requires MSBs to register.[9] It is also a felony to engage in money transmission without a license in any state that requires a license to operate.[10] Internet and mobile-based payment services are also required to seek a state money transmitter license to offer services to individuals residing in the state.

care to share your state in which you are incorporated and the name of your business? or your 'lawyers' full name and business?

Ive said my peace, and i have no intention to keep this going, ive wasted enough time and money on this coin.   
copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
Profile of a Black Mailer : 911_scam_alert

We banned this member on our discord channel. His name in discord is: Saga : ID: 217159171236298753

The following day he shows up here under his name: 911_scam_alert and start 'fudding' - Date Registered: September 24, 2018, 10:55:51 AM
he get's no traction so he goes off sulking and scheming - he wants revenge for getting banned on
Discord so he plots and schemes and sends this to us on Discord on the 25th.

Mind you he got booted on the 23rd. I remember it well because it was my birthday. He shows up here 'fudding' on the 24th and when he gets no traction or attention he resorts to a pathetic blackmailing attempt on the 26th.

Please look closely at the message he sent on discord on the 26th. He says 'if you want to stop the fud now' which means he already started (yes he did on the 24th - the day after we booted him). Up until that day we had never booted a single person off our discord channel for reprehensible behavior so he was the first. And the dead giveaway is that he demands 'Cato' coins. Not BTC mind you - he wants CATO - even though this person is a stupid simpleton and reprehensible asshole at least he know what a great coin Cato is.

As soon as we received his blackmail threat message we outed him, not only here, but on Discord and to all of our over 2,000 Twitter followers. Thus far on Twitter he's created two different profiles and attempted to fud us there also - the outcome - he has ZERO followers because everyone knows our team and our coin is legit and we have a serious roadmap and have accomplished an incredible amount in the short 90 days our coins has been in existence.
1. listing on two exchanges
2. listing on 11 different maternode rating sites
3. listing on and Blockfolio Mobile Apps
4. multiple great reviews
5. getting listed on which is almost impossible for new coins.
6. Our Investor portal is up and running
7. Our CatoCasino is under development
8. Cato can be used to product purchases via woocommerce apps that use the MyCryptocheckout plugin
9. We are on the Gin Platform, and and we added yesterday to
10 And we will be added to two very major other platforms (announcements coming) in the next several days.

So Saga - please crawl back in the hole you crawled out of - blackmailing will never work, your fud will never work and you are a loser. I feel sorry for you.

You are mistaken me for someone else.  this is not fud , its 100% truth.  You are running a scam.  plain and simple.  Ive made clear points about your pump and dump scam.  take it or leave it. 

penny stock scams operate the exact same way as you do.  you fake volume early on, and pump the coin up, then sell off to victim investors and the price clearly demonstrates this.  people who bought at your 'Top' are now community members because they are hopeful there might be one more pump , but it will never come, just like the typical penny stock scammers. 

he will continue to dump on you guys until 1 satoshi.  how else do you think the price continually drops when theres such a "loyal and large" following?  someone has to be selling into these buy orders until the cow is milked dry, then exit. 

we're on to you and theres nothing you can do to stop the good word from being spread, thank you lord for the internet and freedom of speech.  dont fall for his scam

A word from the wise. BTT has been notified that a subpoena is coming for the records of your email address and login ip addresses. Same has been sent to discord and twitter. You've made the mistake of wrongfully disparaging a coin where one of the initial and largest investors is a very successful and brutal lawyer. If you do don't believe so please check out our website and our team. Pat is not happy at all all with all the your
slanderous accusations. If you're in the United States please be prepared to hire a defense attorney both criminal (blackmail) and civil (slander) charges because they will be coming. You made your bed, now you'll get a chance to sleep in it. Make no mistake - you are looking at a felony charge and jail time and a criminal record that will haunt you for the rest of your life. No further response will be forthcoming from us. Enjoy the sleepless night to come.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Profile of a Black Mailer : 911_scam_alert

We banned this member on our discord channel. His name in discord is: Saga : ID: 217159171236298753

The following day he shows up here under his name: 911_scam_alert and start 'fudding' - Date Registered: September 24, 2018, 10:55:51 AM
he get's no traction so he goes off sulking and scheming - he wants revenge for getting banned on
Discord so he plots and schemes and sends this to us on Discord on the 25th.

Mind you he got booted on the 23rd. I remember it well because it was my birthday. He shows up here 'fudding' on the 24th and when he gets no traction or attention he resorts to a pathetic blackmailing attempt on the 26th.

Please look closely at the message he sent on discord on the 26th. He says 'if you want to stop the fud now' which means he already started (yes he did on the 24th - the day after we booted him). Up until that day we had never booted a single person off our discord channel for reprehensible behavior so he was the first. And the dead giveaway is that he demands 'Cato' coins. Not BTC mind you - he wants CATO - even though this person is a stupid simpleton and reprehensible asshole at least he know what a great coin Cato is.

As soon as we received his blackmail threat message we outed him, not only here, but on Discord and to all of our over 2,000 Twitter followers. Thus far on Twitter he's created two different profiles and attempted to fud us there also - the outcome - he has ZERO followers because everyone knows our team and our coin is legit and we have a serious roadmap and have accomplished an incredible amount in the short 90 days our coins has been in existence.
1. listing on two exchanges
2. listing on 11 different maternode rating sites
3. listing on and Blockfolio Mobile Apps
4. multiple great reviews
5. getting listed on which is almost impossible for new coins.
6. Our Investor portal is up and running
7. Our CatoCasino is under development
8. Cato can be used to product purchases via woocommerce apps that use the MyCryptocheckout plugin
9. We are on the Gin Platform, and and we added yesterday to
10 And we will be added to two very major other platforms (announcements coming) in the next several days.

So Saga - please crawl back in the hole you crawled out of - blackmailing will never work, your fud will never work and you are a loser. I feel sorry for you.

You are mistaken me for someone else.  this is not fud , its 100% truth.  You are running a scam.  plain and simple.  Ive made clear points about your pump and dump scam.  take it or leave it. 

penny stock scams operate the exact same way as you do.  you fake volume early on, and pump the coin up, then sell off to victim investors and the price clearly demonstrates this.  people who bought at your 'Top' are now community members because they are hopeful there might be one more pump , but it will never come, just like the typical penny stock scammers. 

he will continue to dump on you guys until 1 satoshi.  how else do you think the price continually drops when theres such a "loyal and large" following?  someone has to be selling into these buy orders until the cow is milked dry, then exit. 

we're on to you and theres nothing you can do to stop the good word from being spread, thank you lord for the internet and freedom of speech.  dont fall for his scam
copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
10 And we will be added to two very major other platforms (announcements coming) in the next several days.
I am waiting for your announcements on those two major platforms, CatoCoin.
Will news been released this week?
I feel something like can not wait more to see the news.

Thank you for asking - both of those two platforms are finalizing the changes necessary to support Cato and one will be complete this evening and will be announced tonight (U.S. Time) or tomorrow. The other will be friday because we do not want to have too many news releases back to back.

as always - thanks for you support and questions!

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
Profile of a Black Mailer : 911_scam_alert

We banned this member on our discord channel. His name in discord is: Saga : ID: 217159171236298753

The following day he shows up here under his name: 911_scam_alert and start 'fudding' - Date Registered: September 24, 2018, 10:55:51 AM
he get's no traction so he goes off sulking and scheming - he wants revenge for getting banned on
Discord so he plots and schemes and sends this to us on Discord on the 25th.

Mind you he got booted on the 23rd. I remember it well because it was my birthday. He shows up here 'fudding' on the 24th and when he gets no traction or attention he resorts to a pathetic blackmailing attempt on the 26th.

Please look closely at the message he sent on discord on the 26th. He says 'if you want to stop the fud now' which means he already started (yes he did on the 24th - the day after we booted him). Up until that day we had never booted a single person off our discord channel for reprehensible behavior so he was the first. And the dead giveaway is that he demands 'Cato' coins. Not BTC mind you - he wants CATO - even though this person is a stupid simpleton and reprehensible asshole at least he know what a great coin Cato is.

As soon as we received his blackmail threat message we outed him, not only here, but on Discord and to all of our over 2,000 Twitter followers. Thus far on Twitter he's created two different profiles and attempted to fud us there also - the outcome - he has ZERO followers because everyone knows our team and our coin is legit and we have a serious roadmap and have accomplished an incredible amount in the short 90 days our coins has been in existence.
1. listing on two exchanges
2. listing on 11 different maternode rating sites
3. listing on and Blockfolio Mobile Apps
4. multiple great reviews
5. getting listed on which is almost impossible for new coins.
6. Our Investor portal is up and running
7. Our CatoCasino is under development
8. Cato can be used to product purchases via woocommerce apps that use the MyCryptocheckout plugin
9. We are on the Gin Platform, and and we added yesterday to
10 And we will be added to two very major other platforms (announcements coming) in the next several days.

So Saga - please crawl back in the hole you crawled out of - blackmailing will never work, your fud will never work and you are a loser. I feel sorry for you.

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
Click in the image below to download a pdf of the Advertorial
Hey Catocoin,
Something was wrong with the link to download the advertorial.
I can not download the .pdf file after clicking in the attached image.
Please fix it ASAP.

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0

CatoCoin is proud to post a copy of our advertorial that appears in the most recent
issue of 21cryptos magazine, It's a great magazine with over 50,000 subscribers and the
most recent issue has over 80 pages of great content about the latest happenings in the crypto world!

To subscribe to 21cryptos magazine - click here:

Click in the image below to download a pdf of the Advertorial

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
How are you going to promote your ICO. It seems, like you are not planning to hold a regular bounty program, just for translations and bonuses for early adopters.

We do not have an ICO - our coinshas been available for 3 months now and we have over 240 Masternodes up and running. We do run selected and bounties on Twitter. We have all the translations we need already done - they were done months ago. We run regular bounties on Twitter and on our discord channel. Our early adopters came two months ago, but thank you for asking. Please follow us on Twitter and join our discord channel if you're like to participate in our bounties - thank you.
sr. member
Activity: 703
Merit: 250
How are you going to promote your ICO. It seems, like you are not planning to hold a regular bounty program, just for translations and bonuses for early adopters.
copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0

CatoCoin is happy to announce that we've been
added to as one their portfolio of
high quality investment grade coins.

We are proud this association!


copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
I replied your email from the Investors Portal - I would suggest you also vsit us on our discord channel where there are hundreds of people online all the time.
how about this platform: ?
I think that this one is a potential partnership for Catocoin.

Thank you - we will take a look at their site and offering!

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
price is dumping why? is that just reflecting the general market for alt coins?

and the CATO MasterNodes - "guaranteed ROI".  how doe that work?

as the price drops doe the payout for MN rise?

show me tables please

and can I set up my own Master Node holding my coins in a cold wallet and run the node on a server?

answers please

Im looking at that competition where if I buy 50,000 coins I could win 20%


I replied your email from the Investors Portal - I would suggest you also vsit us on our discord channel where there are hundreds of people online all the time.
jr. member
Activity: 271
Merit: 1
price is dumping why? is that just reflecting the general market for alt coins?

and the CATO MasterNodes - "guaranteed ROI".  how doe that work?

as the price drops doe the payout for MN rise?

show me tables please

and can I set up my own Master Node holding my coins in a cold wallet and run the node on a server?

answers please

Im looking at that competition where if I buy 50,000 coins I could win 20%

Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Please vote for CATO to be listed on mintnodes shared masternode service.

Only 1$ per month per masternode.

copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0
A small quick update news for today:
Catocoin network has had 238 masternodes which actively run.
What does it mean?
3 more masternodes, then collateral will raise to new number, and high block rewards to come.
Let's wait and see when we see the 241th masternode on Catocoin network.
Check temporary masternode count there

BOOM - we are there - collateral is now 3,850 Smiley
Activity: 106
Merit: 10
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
A small quick update news for today:
Catocoin network has had 238 masternodes which actively run.
What does it mean?
3 more masternodes, then collateral will raise to new number, and high block rewards to come.
Let's wait and see when we see the 241th masternode on Catocoin network.
Check temporary masternode count there
copper member
Activity: 207
Merit: 0

CatoCoin is looking for a skilled designer to revamp our OP - if you know of someone good for this job - PM me please. If you refer someone that we choose we'll tip you 25 CATO!

Feel free to post your recommendations right here!

Thank you!

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