craziest messages still coming in about the shift that was on the potcoin fork.
i have to write you about my missing coins.
My addresses were
Screenshots of my balances coins were confirmed. If you say that coins are only which i chould get please what are then unconfirmed balances???
Also The had to be much lower. Then i would stopped mining! Got about 1200 coins with about 230 mhs!!!! Every other pool is much better.
Please send at least 12k cinni to one of my wallets. You are a serious coin! So please be also serios....
Thx a lot.
[.. i write him back and explain that the 78,000 POT that he saw were on a bad fork, which means that they were worthless and had zero value ... ]
his response:
20 solo potcoin could be possible with 230 mhs with current diff. No problem.
Also was sure to get that payout. If not i would have changed off your pool.
Thats wasted hashpower. And its not my fault that you have mined on a wrong fork....
Please be such serious to send me at least the half of the earned coins. 7000 cinni would be ok for me.
Thx a lot.
Dear Thomas,
You don't understand what a fork is. The pool solved tons more rounds than that (in fact the pool had accumulated nearly 200,000 potcoins.
The average multipool paid out 0.002 BTC/MH/day during that interval. What in the name of god makes you feel justified messaging me casually asking me to send you the equivilent of nearly a bitcoin and a half? 12K cinni is worth about that.
You are insane, and not telling me the truth either. If you had 200 MH mining, it must have only been for part of that shift. Out of the 200,000 worthless potcoins the pool earned, you only had 78,000 in your balance so your HR wasn't even half the pool's hashrate..
That shift started at this epoch time: 1401915236
and ended at this one: 1402087848
There was 152.94 MH of Scrypt miners on average, and 27.06 MH of X11 miners on average (the pool checks and records the rates every 10 min).
I will audit the payouts from that day and try and adjust them to ensure that everyone got 0.002 btc/mh/day according to their logged hashrates.Hello,
of course i know what a wrong fork is. But is that my problem that you are wasting my hash power? Thats really not serios.
I had 230 mhs the whole night at your pool. At least the whole night. And the rest of the shift i had about 70 mhs on it.
Also 0.002 is really a bit less. Perhaps make at least 0.0025 - 0.003 btc/mhs/day..