What I will do is take a snapshot of Cinni's blockchain and that would be the distribution of the TimeShares project.
I will also ask exchanges to help so Cinni holders on exchanges on the time of the snapshot get their TimeShares too.
Users of TimeShares will be able to use units of time as the currency.
This detail will be made in the user interface rather than in the block chain itself. TimeShares will display a users balance as units of time and allow users to send units of time to each other.
BitsharesX has 2 billion coins
TimeShares will have ~150 million coins. 10 coins for each Cinni.
In the time calculations in the user interface, each coin is calculated as 1 hour.
So if someone has a million TimeShares, his wallet balance is shown as 114 Years, 56 Days 39 Hours 59 Minutes 59 seconds.
When a user sends time, the user interface will convert the amount of time being sent back into actual coins before sending the transaction to the block chain.
I haven't decided on the trading code yet. I am open to suggestions. Maybe TIME, HOUR, TSHARE, or something similar.
Since I am building this project as a BitSharesX fork, it will have BitSharesX's features too.
You can read more about BitSharesx here http://bitshares-x.info/about.php and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RLcjSXWuU9vBJzzqLEXVACSCdn8zXKTTJRN_LfoCjNY
I will be also adding encrypted messaging. And later on a betting system that uses feeds.
Thanks for the update. Can you give us an eta on beta and testnet?