Over the next few weeks, Ill be getting my popcorn ready to watch and laugh at all the panic buys once the new wallet is released. The community manager can do what he wills. Cinni team and Xc team seems to be in good relations with eachother, so theres nothing wrong with promoting. And he wasn't really promoting, he was sticking up against all the ignorant fudders and bullshitters who were attacking XC. People forget that some of these legit devs aren't adolescent trollish kids like the scam coin devs, they have kids and families to take care of and they put their family and rep on the line (like what the xc dev has done) to deliver on their innovative ideas..only to get attacked my crypto internet trolls.
In the end both coins will do well. In any case, whoever is dumping Cinni at 5500 right now, thank you very much.
You have to thank to buyer not to dumping man at 5500.
Community Manager have the responsibility for this community.
He have to do his role for this community.
I was the buyer, and I dont like to thank myself, its a little weird.
Community manager has stated numerous times, along with the devs, that they are working on the new wallet release and we should standby, so how many times do they have to repeat themselves until these impatient arm-chair cinni enthusiasts and trolls stop complaining.