yeah, listen to all these naysayers at your own peril. they're all just trying to make you part with your cloak more easily. they don't even do it very well, a 4 year old can spot it a mile away, there's no artistry to their FUD. sad times in crypto really.
You really are slick dont want people to sell their cloaks it may well be a great coin but its certainly not the
"first decentralized anon coin ever created THAT WORKS"
you think you're the only ones that can utterly iniltrate another camp and spam garbage? i'll show you how it's done.
also, i understand you're trying to sound all cute by quoting me, but what preay tell is your issue?
how is Cloak not the first working decentralized anon coin? unless drk all of a sudden became functional and not centralized around master nodes... don't think that happened yet! and since people have been successfully sending and receiving on the cloak livenet anonymously, well then i'd call that a slam dunk. Darkcoin centralized due to its Masternodes?
No, there are hundreds of masternodes who are operated by the users of the network. Transactions are routed randomly through any one of these nodes. The name Masternode does not imply centralization. It could be anything like “DarkSend nodes” or something similar, so there should be no confusion about their functionality. However there is a lot of "FUD" (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) by competing cryptocurrencies that Masternodes are "centralized".
That would be the analogous of saying that Bitcoin is centralized due to the existence of nodes, or that a torrent network is centralized due to the existence of large seed nodes.
Dont worry just because its not the first doesn't mean that cloak doesn't have a future
one more for the ignore list. you're an idiot.
if needing 1000 darkcoins to operate a masternode isn't a form of centralization, then you're kidding yourself.
also, did you notice that little part where i mentioned how cloak actually WORKS?
right! that!
i like how everyone from the dark camp seemingly forgets that they do not currently have an operational build of the technology that they're been promising for... how many months has it been? almost a year?! wow it has been a long time with no results, good luck with that.
I'll stick with the coin that has people sending and receiving decentralized anon transactions as we speak.
your bullshit FUD department can only do so much to combat the truth. Your devs instamined %10 of ever DRK coin there ever will be before they even released the windows wallet to the public. yeah. facts can hurt. better keep concentrating on FUDding other coins instead of cleaning up your own mess.