So unclear this stuff. Looked on how it is done on PIVX but this is some heavy stuff. (...) Def not trying to be disrespectful but really need some more info. ;-)
COLX Masternode installation guide (summary)For security, you should create a hot/cold setup with TWO wallets: - One wallet for the masternode (24/7, so either a VPS or a server in your home). This will be the masternode. IT WILL CONTAIN NO FUNDS!
- One wallet on your pc. THIS WILL CONTAIN THE FUNDS. You can use it to start the masternode server and then close this wallet.
First install the
masternode wallet.
- It must use the default port: 51572 (and ususally 51573 for RPC);
- Write down the IP address, you'll need it later;
- Open ports, NAT, firewall if you need to;
- Start it. On linux: colxd --deamon
- Synchonize the blockchain.
- Stop it to make adjustments later. On linux: colx-cli stop
- The masternode wallet will stay empty at all times!
Then install your
PC wallet:
- This is just a regular install of the wallet with a GUI
- Synchonize the blockchain.
Transfer the funds to your PC wallet:
- Create a new receiving account (File, Receiving Addresses, New), call it 'Masternode 01' or whatever you like.
- Transfer exactly 10,000,000 to that account (must be one 10,000,000 payment, not mulitple small amounts).
Check your payment:
- In the console (Tools Menu, Debug Console), use 'masternode outputs'.
- For valid 10,000,000 payments, it will give you a transaction_id and a transaction_index (usually 0 or 1).
- Copy/paste these values to textfile, you will need them later.
Create a unique number for your masternode:
- In the console, use 'masternode genkey'
- Save it to the textfile, you will need it later.
Enter your masternode details in your PC wallet:
- Click Tools, Open Masternode Configuration File (or open masternodes.conf)
- On one line, enter: some name without spaces like MN01 (space) masternode IP:port (space) generated_key (space) transaction_id (space) transaction_index
- Save the file and restart (I think)
Configure your
masternode wallet: edit ColossusCoinXT.conf:
- Add masternode=1
- Add masternodeprivkey={the key you generated}
- (re)start it. On linux: colx-cli stop / colxd --deamon
- The debug.log should say that the masternode is waiting to be started (from the PC wallet).
Activate the masternode from your
PC wallet:
- Go to page 'Masternodes'
- Click 'update status' to see
- Use any of the start buttons to register the masternode with the network.
- IF IT COMPLAINS ABOUT TXID: Use the console instead: 'masternode start-alias MN01'
Check your
masternode wallet:
- The debug.log should say 'Enabled!'.
- It will start Pinging the masternode system to keep its registration alive.
- If you open it, your masternode payments will appear (after block 10.080).