I was just wondering about the benefits of adding crypto assets to a concept like VRChat. Then again there exist things like Eve Online which involves virtual space battles that made people lose $300000 real money worth of virtual space ships.
Well imagine 100 games with different NFT's, that gets interresting. Also we are not just like VRCHAT we want to let people build games, themeparks, cinema's. pubs, courses and much more. Some def. benefit from NFT's.
I was just wondering about the benefits of adding crypto assets to a concept like VRChat. Then again there exist things like Eve Online which involves virtual space battles that made people lose $300000 real money worth of virtual space ships.
What is that?
Also, if some people lost $300000 worth of things, that means some people win $300000 worth of things?
You have to pay for the time in the game.
You own a ship which was made in about 100 hours (time for getting minerals, modules ...), then you can calculate f.e. 20$ x 100 hours = 2000$.
If I destroy your ship
, you have lost about 2000$. I dont get the $, you have lost the time which is equivalent to 2000$.
sounds painfull first get beaten and than also lose your ship.
I was just wondering about the benefits of adding crypto assets to a concept like VRChat. Then again there exist things like Eve Online which involves virtual space battles that made people lose $300000 real money worth of virtual space ships.
What is that?
Also, if some people lost $300000 worth of things, that means some people win $300000 worth of things?
You have to pay for the time in the game.
You own a ship which was made in about 100 hours (time for getting minerals, modules ...), then you can calculate f.e. 20$ x 100 hours = 2000$.
If I destroy your ship
, you have lost about 2000$. I dont get the $, you have lost the time which is equivalent to 2000$.
What the ship destroyers will get by doing that? Or this game only benefits the creator and entertains the player?\
And I don't understand the relation between this game and things like VRChat / CosmoCR, im a bit confused.
There is no direct relation, but talking in VRChat is a really popular game and we want to offer some of the same experience like interaction between avatars.
I'm not a VRChat expert i seen it but never played it, cause we're just to busy.
Also it's easier to suggest a long roadmap and release everything in time than actually dissapoint people over and over again. This effect the community and the price we seen that happen many times already.
But you started developing already? Or will start after softcap will be reached? And what softcap you setup?
Ofcourse we already started, but mostly testing different setups and optimise the framework.